Should I freak fred out?

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So I got home from the graveyard, and you know what? There were a bunch of people in the kitchen planning a search party for me. I said hi and George almost wet his pants... It was funny.

Speaking of George, well he's engaged. It's actually a nice girl but I don't know her name. (A/N: anyone want to be George's fiancé? Just comment or something.) So after I scared George and ate because we had a bunch of food for this search party, and there were a bunch of people there, Tonks, Remus, Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley, Sam, Isabella, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Bill, Charlie, well just a bunch of people. After everyone left, including George because he was going to said fiancé's house it was just me and Fred.

"Fred I want a ring like Sam's." I said suddenly, he looked at me wide eyed, "I mean most people are married before they have kids, I don't want to be that person who had kids before."

"Rose, why are you saying this?" He asked me concerned, I giggled.

"I found out I was preggo from my mother in a vision and my ghost grandfather confirmed it and I ate brownies at Luna's house."

"Why did you go to Luna's?" He asked, his eyebrows raised and his lip scrunched up, I gave him a very confused and slightly annoyed look.

"I tell you I'm pregnant and you ask that?" I asked sort of hurt, he titled his head. "Fred please say something." I begged him, he started to laugh and his face and ears turned redder then his hair. I could already picture my baby. Curly red haired little girl, she would have blue eyes, and when she was older she would probably break many hearts.

Fred looked at me again, as if I had grown a third head. "Rose, you can't be pregnant, I mean... you just got out of a coma." He said, I giggled and with a bang I was in a muggle back alley, I went into the drug store and picked up a pregnancy test. I then with a bang was back in the kitchen. Fred gave me an odd look and I walked into the bathroom.

Several minutes later I came back out of the bathroom and placed the test in his hands, it clearly read positive. He gasped and then fainted. I giggled and placed it in a zip lock bag and sat on the couch.

It was about twenty minutes before he woke up, I sent a patronus to George and he came just to poke his brother, he asked why he had fainted and I just laughed and kicked him out. It was about five minutes after that when he woke up. I ran my hands through my hair and he came up to me.

"I know your not ready for this... I mean who is?" I told him, "But... we can work through this... please don't break up with me." I begged him, he kissed me.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He said jumping around, he kissed me again just as suddenly as the last one, "We gotta see mum! And go to St. Mungo's! And it's mine right?" He asked stopping suddenly, I giggled.

"Its a magic baby, made from love or something... but yes it is yours." I told him kissing him, I looked down and noticed there was already a small bump forming. I started to wonder how long I would actually be pregnant with this baby, but now was not the time to worry about it. I think now was the time to cook dinner and invite the family over.

"Ann." Fred said suddenly, "I was going to take you out for dinner tonight, earlier I actually thought you were on to me... but I guess now's a good a time as any, so..." He said getting onto one knee, "Rosanna Nymphadora Black, will you be my wife?"

I began to cry and jump up and down and scream yes, he kissed me and then we decided to invite everyone over for dinner. It was time to do the hardest part... tell Mrs. Weasley. I really hopes it goes well. God, I really love Fred Weasley.

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя