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okay okay, y'all can have your happy fluff 😒 /lh

Prompt: Tommy and Purpled get lost in an IKEA at 3 am. Oh my prime.

Warnings: cussing, the fear of spiders, (I'm not sure what's it called) I think that's all!



Ring... ring.. ring...

"Hello?" Tubbos voice rang through the phone. He had been hanging out with Ranboo, them watching a random movie as Tubbo had his head on Ranboos chest when the phone rung.

"Tubbo, theoretically, if Purpled was—"


"—stuck in IKEA what should he do?" Tommy's voice replied. Purpled had cut him off, probably about how he was talking about Purpled and not himself.

"Tommy. If you are stuck in IKEA at 3 am I am not coming to help you."

"BUT TUBBO PLEA—" Tommy's pleaded were cut off by Tubbo hanging up the phone, and throwing it onto the bed.

"What was that about?" Ranboo questioned, looking down at Tubbo as Tubbo laid back on top of him.

"Tommy and Purpled got stuck in IKEA."

"At 3am?!"

"What did you expect of them?" Tubbo mumbled, barley keeping himself awake.

"Fair point." Ranboo chuckled, beading a hand through Tubbo's hair.

Tommy pulled out his camera to film this experience.

"So uhm- we're stuck in IKEA!!" He laughed out, looking over towards Purpled.

"This is all your fault." Purpled mumbled pacing around. He suddenly stopped, having his eyes glued to the floor.

"Purpled whats wrong—" he chuckled out, before looking towards where the other was.

He stopped laughing and turned off the recording before speed-walking over to the other. "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," he kept whispering as he pulled the other into a hug. Purpled had the biggest fears of spiders, and right there in the middle of the floor was one.

"Come on," Tommy whispered, pulling Purpled's arm along with him so they could try to find a exit.

They walked around, Purpled staring at the ceiling to make sure he doesn't see anything else, and Tommy pulling his arm to make sure he didn't run in into anything.

"There!" Tommy shouted, pointing to a big red sign.

"FINALLY." Purpled yelled back as the two boys sped walked to the metal door. They threw it open stepping into the cool night, only for an alarm to start going off. They quickly looked over to each-other, before Tommy pulled a small glass bottle out of his jacket pocket and throwing it down on the floor, yelling a 'SCATTER.'

And there they were. Two teens running away from an IKEA laughing at 3 am.

The two decided to crash at Purpled place. For the fact most people in Tommy's house were light sleepers.

They almost immediately fell asleep once they sat down on the couch in the living room.

the next part is like a Dream Smp group chat with everyone in it

Sleep?? Any askers??

Dream has sent a picture

(It's Tommy and Purpled sleeping. Purpled curled into Tommy's side as Tommy's hand is placed in his hair from where it was beading through it earlier. They look peaceful and have a blanket over them as you can see Foolish laughing in the background and Puffy looking at them with adoring eyes.)


Several users are typing...


I wrote this in class. science SUCKS.

Take y'all's fluff while I write another idea I have, I'll write the prompts people have given me soon!! <3

Drink some water,



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