Life isn't perfect, but neither are they.

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So only three of them are in this.. sorry! I wrote it a long time ago. 

That being said that it was made a long time ago, that means most of this doesn't go with present lore. Oops!

Warnings: Panic attack(?), fireworks. That's basically it :]



A normal evening for Ranboo. It was Calming, him putting Michael down to sleep early. It was deep in the night, Michael way passed out by this point. Ranboo decided to have a cup of tea before doing his night routine and then going to sleep.

He did as he did every night, brushing his teeth (making sure there's no water), and eventually found himself in Tubbo and his shared bedroom. He pushed the wooden door open, it letting out a creaking noise indicating he was there.

Most of the night he was busy out doing things. Only then came back in time to put Michael to bed, and get ready.

He padded into the room softly, hoping Tubbo was already asleep. He should be at this time, anyways. Unless he was over working himself to with Ranboo would have to avail dragging him back to their bedroom.

But this night, he saw an.. odd sight.

Tommy was always welcome at their house. He was! They promised him that the day he came out of the prison. He promised to Tommy that he could come over no matter what the time of day was. It could be two in the morning and he wouldn't mind. He knew how much Tommy's been through.

But it still was shocking seeing Tommy and Tubbo curled up sitting beside each other their having their hands firmly pressed against their ears. Come to think of it...

Wait. Fireworks were going off all night. Why? Probably someones stupid idea, but it hasn't bothered Ranboo. He didn't really mind. But he knew Tommy and Tubbo sure did.

Ranboo quickly sped walked to the two. One older, one younger, and kneeled down in-front of them. What was he meant to do in this situation? Tell them it was going to be okay even though people have probably told them that through their entire bitter lives?

So, he chose to sit in-front of Tubbo first. He sat crossing his legs, and holding out a hand. Just a simple gesture, but hopefully not to much for him to freak out. (He's heard about Schaltt through Tommy, never again will he let Tubbo live through that pain).

It wasn't forcing Tubbo to latch onto him or anything, more some offering. And so he waited.

Tubbo eventually opened his eyes, looking towards ranboo. His eyes were barely open as he sluggishly moved closer to Ranboo, and awkwardly embraced the half a hug. Ranboo wrapped his long arms around Tubbo, purring as an Enderman does.

He then looked over to Tommy, only to see the younger staring at them, almost obligating what to do. Ranboo held out a hand, and Tommy awkwardly shuffled towards him.

And that's how they sat. Ranboo awkwardly having his arms wrapped around both of the other two, while the still tried blocking out all noise.

It wasn't perfect, but that could deal with it. Nothing seemed to be perfect in any of the three's lives. But they could make it work.



if you saw me write this on Ao3- no you didn't. it wasn't edited when I posted it so I just edited this version.

I'm off of school for a couple days so that's why you get a mid-day story.

Drink some water,



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