Don't get caught (Racer!AU)

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Soooo- I'm really sorry if I messed anything up on your request. D:

Prompt above ^^

Warnings: cussing, running from the police, and uh- yeah? I think that's all??


Tommy and purpled sat in the park like any other day. Talking about everything to nothing, making fun of eachother, and daring the other to do stupid shit that half of the time they'd agree to.

Purpled looked at his phone for the time, instantly cringing and standing up quickly.

"I gotta go. Puffy wants uh— me, Dream, and punz to hang out. I'll catch you later." He stuttered out, before swiftly jogging away.

Tommy furrowed his eye brows confused on why his friend was acting so weird, before looking at the time himself. His breath hitched as he stood up, quickly rushing to the spot he was meant to be at.

See, Tommy was chosen to do this flag thing for an illegal race. Why? He had no clue. But, they said they'd pay him so I mean— who was he to pass that up??

He sat in the middle of three cars, atleast 50 feet away from them holding two checkered flags.

All he had to do was wave the flags in the air, and let the cars go off.

Simple enough.

The track wasn't as long as usual, (as he was told), because this was meant to be a small quick race. He was excited to see whom the racers would be, for he had never gone to watch one of these in person. There were a few people racked along some gates, eager to watch the cars take off in a so called race. It was illegal, sure, but that's what made it more fun. More thrilling- perhaps.

Tommy heard a few of the crowds cheers, so naturally, the boy looked over to where they were cheering from.

He looked over, shock covering his face as he squinted a bit to see who it really was.

There, he saw Purpled, his legit best-friend walking up to his purple car. It was a nice shade of purple, but it really did make a statement.

Next he saw Tubbo. A kid he didn't know as-well, but he had a few classes with him and he'd talk to him before. He had a bright green car. Lime green, to be exact.

Then there's was Ranboo. (whom of which, he once mistakenly called Ranboob once and deemed to always call him that), which he didn't know as well just like Tubbo. He had talked to both of them a few times, enough to know they were genuine nice people. Ranboo had a white and black car, which Tommy tied back to the fact he looked like half an Enderman, anyways.

He heard a voice ping through his small microphone placed in his ear.

"Alright. Just go ahead and do it when ever you're ready." He heard the voice shout. (He assumed the voice was shouting so that Tommy could actually hear him over the crowd.)

Tommy gulped in his pride as he lifted both the flags in the air, sighing, and bringing them down quickly as to tell the other three they could start.

As soon as he brought the flags down, the cars speed off, making an ear piercing sound.

Tommy sighed, dropping the flags and sat there. Mindlessly watching the cars race around the track, knowing the one (1) of those people are his best-friend and the other two (2) are people in his class.

Eventually the cars came back to the start line, with Purpled winning over all, Tubbo in a close second, and Ranboo just barely behind Tubbo. It was a tight race, you could say.

The cars came to a stop, the crowds cheers being the last thing in Tommy's mind as he ran over to the purple car. Purpled stepped out of it, his eyes widening as he saw Tommy.

"Toms, uh- hey!" He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tommy screamed.

"Look I know it's bad and stuff but-"


Before Tommy got the chance to yell at purpled anymore, Tubbo and Ranboo came up behind them.

"That was a good race Purpled!" Ranboo said with a smile. "Oh," he said turning his attention to Tommy, "Tommy, right? We have a few classes together!"

"Oh sweet! You were the flag person weren't you? Dude, I could never do that job knowing you could get hit by a car." Tubbo scoffed.

Tommy just nervously laughed, nodding his head. "Yeah, a bit nerve racking, but it was worth it for the fact I'm getting paid."

The four boys shared a laugh, before they heard a close sounding siren everyone knew.

A police siren coming to where they were.

"Well shit." Purpled laughed, "Come on, we'll just take my car."

The four quickly hopped into the car, shutting the doors swiftly before purpled floored the car, speeding off fast.

"Is this like- a normal thing for you guys?" Tommy said, gripping onto the seat.

"Nah," Tubbo said as if it was any normal day, "it has only happened once. But we lost them fast so it wasn't as fun"

"I thought it was scary! They were on my car the whole time!" Ranboo mumbled back.

The cops seemingly got closer, only for purpled to speed up more.

They eventually came to an almost dead end, the only path being a small one basically going through a forest.

Their options were A: stay in the dead end and get caught, or B: pray that the forest path is wide enough to fit a car and wouldn't hurt the four boys.

So what do you think the four chose? Well of course, the only reasonable option: B.

who trusted these four boys, I mean- come on??

The out let out a laugh once they realized they lost the cops.

"Holy shit!!" Tommy screamed, "that was fuckin' sick!"

"Oh man it's been a long time since I've done that." Tubbo laughed out, leaning back into the car chair.

And that was that, that's how their tradition started. Sneak out of the house, let the three race as Tommy did the flags, sometimes run from the police, and then do it again. An endless cycle they wished to never break.


Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm writing this at twelve (12) in the morning.

I hope that's meant you meant for your request! It was a really fun one to write :]

Drink some water,



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