they fight someone cause i said so

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(Amazing title, am I right?)

SO- and really cool person requested something, but we switched it around a bit for boundary purposes :) *cough cough*  Bluethth   *cough cough* (you were lovely!)

Basically, someone's being homophobic and the minors fight them cause lol.

warnings: Homophobia, cussing, fighting, blood, I think that's all!

If you are homophobic yourself please get off this page for the fact i am bisexual myself <3 (BISEXUAL SUPREMACY)


Now, if there's one person anyone could agree with that was nice, it was Eret. She was lovely.

(Well expect Wilbur thought different, but that was because of the whole L'manburg thing with pixie sticks being used as 'drugs' back when they were 10 and Eret rated them out to the teacher because he didn't want a bunch of 10 and 7 year olds to blow up the school because Schaltt kicked Wilbur and Tommy out of the club and Wilbur went insane, but that's beside the point.)

Eret was an icon. So if someone was being mean to them, you best know no one was having it.

The four minors were walking down the hall, talking obnoxiously louder then they should have as they were leaving since they finally finished there last class of school.

...that is until they looked down a hall that no one was usually in.

"Guys look!" Tubbo shouted out, pointing down a long hallway, there, was Eret, (also known as Ranboo's like sibling,) being cowered around some dudes that looked like assholes.

"I call getting the first punch!!" Tommy yelled out, starting to walk towards the boys surrounding eret.


Eret's POV:



Another shove, another kick, and another punch. This had been going on for at-least 10 minutes. These boys had been mentally bullying me for a while now, but I guess they were having a bad day today.

Their words didn't hurt me. I didn't really care that much about what some high-schoolers thought about me that much.

But, their punches sure did hurt.

I expected another punch, but.. it never came. I opened my eyes only to see Tommy punching one of them, purpled doing the same to another, and Tubbo and Ranboo just watching them. Eventually, Ranboo pulled them off the two idiots, while those asshooes laid on the ground. One of the bullies started to lift their head, only to have Ranboo punch them square in the face. All of our eyes widened as Ranboo kicked them once more, "thats what you get for hurting my sibling, asshole. They are the best sibling you've ever seen. She is beautiful and handsome."

After Ranboo had his small little rant, he came over and squatted down beside me. "You good?"

I laughed a little bit at his sudden mode change. "Yeah. Hey, maybe we should get Niki to set their houses on fire if we convinced her enough!"

"Oh please, Niki would do that for free."


Sorry this one sucks I need sleep and I'm still not gonna sleep for a few hours. lol

I hope this is kinda what you meant- I know i had to change it up a bit so I apologize!

Drink some water, sunshine,



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