Boredem is a curse

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I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been SUPER busy. I have things I need to write for people but I feel as if I'm having massive writers block.

That being said, here's a thing I posted on AO3!!

Warnings: cussing


Tommy huffed as he threw down his phone.

Boredom. Absolutely bored. There was nothing to do. No more Twitter to look at, Wilbur was gone so he couldn't bother him over text, and there was nothing other then that that seemed appealing to do.

So, he got up and walked out of his room. Slipping out of the door as he quietly shuffled down the hall, his steps pillowed by the pair of socks he threw on a few hours ago.

He eventually found the door he was looking for, and slightly knocked just loud enough for the other person to hear, but not enough for any one else in the small wooden house to be disrupted.

He stood there for a second, basking in the silence of the cold fall night. It was calm, especially after a day of stressing and panicking.

The door eventually creaked open, only for Tommy to see a man on the other side of the door.

"Tommy?" He questioned.

"Hey- ranbitch." Tommy mumbled, pushing his way past Ranboo and walking into the room. He was too exhausted to say his reasoning for being there.

Ranboo furrowed his eyebrows, but still closed the door after Tommy nonetheless.

"Is there anything that I can uh—" Ranboo started, as he looked over to Tommy laying on his bed.

"Shut up and sit down." Tommy whispered-shouted patting the side beside him on the bed.

Ranboo, still confused, walked over to Tommy and sat down beside him.

Tommy just used Ranboo as a pillow, laying against his shoulder and passing out.

Now what the hell had Ranboo gotten himself into. This was like a cat falling asleep on your lap, or a lion beside you resting, he just couldn't move. It was against all laws of everything.

And now all over Twitter was a photo trending of Tommy having his head in Ranboo's lap curled up, passed out and Ranboo having his head tilted back. His hand resting in Tommy's hand where it was probably beading through it a few hours ago.

Tubbo had posted it on Twitter with the caption,

'Losers getting sleep.'

Needless to say, the internet may have blown up that day.


I will really try to get more stuff out, and all. Writers block sucks.


Drink some water!,



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