Getting caught

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Wooo it's been a long time, hasn't it?

I've gotten a great idea from the one and only Jeri_Z .

It was just SO good I had to write it.

Prompt: So what if all of Tommy's friends are I'm the south-east of America? He can go to. Maybe he'll just not be caught!



Tommy was on a plane. Yes, he was quite literally, on a plane. He ate pretty stale pretzel as he watched his phone. He was going to south-east of America. What the things he'd do for his friends.

That being said, his friends didn't entirely know he was going. Well they really didn't know at all.

But he wouldn't be the bearer of this amazing news, so they may have to find out on their own. (He's really hoping this goes well).

Walking around a park really shouldn't be this difficult. But when your friends are only a few feet away from you filming live, maybe that makes it a little bit harder.

Trying to hide your face while making sure not to get in camera is definitely easier said then done. And when there's thousands of people staring and watching the background as you tried to be in peace that made it worse.

"Doesn't that guy look like Tommy?"

oh shit.

what the fuck Tubbo.

And so, the one and only option in this situation, is running.

He bolted out of there, having the stream on his phone and earbuds in as he ran. He weaved in and out of people trying to run as fast as possible.

They glazed over it on stream, and he was so glad. He didn't want to be caught just yet.


While trying to go to the shops to get a few things, running into someone was not what Tommy planned.

This was going to be bad.

Tommy had his earbuds in as he was going to get some simple snacks. The man was hungry, alright? But while he was listening to his music and looking down at his phone he unexpectedly ran into someone.

"Oh sorry-" He said, ripping the earbuds out of his ears. Until he looked up and saw who he ran into.


That tall idiot.

"Tommy?" Ranboo questioned, his eyes widening.

"Oh uh- hey big man! Good seeing you, aye?" Tommy tried to play it off. What do you say in that situation? 'I came to America even though I claim I hate it only for me not to tell you'.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was just— you know," Tommy started to laugh before he looked over his shoulder and then broke into a sprint. He ran down those concrete streets.

And if the next day you saw Tommy on a stream with them, he would never admit why he was there.

it totally wasn't because he missed his friends.



but I'm tired and it's almost one am and I just wanna post something.

I'm so sorry :[

Drink some water,



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