Sick days.

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Prompt: Tommy is feeling rather sick, though as he would say in his own words— "Big men don't get sick!" so here we are. All the other minors know that he is, and they call the one person who can force him to take the day off.... let's just say- they're something else.

This may seem not platonic, BUT IT IS!! PLEASE TAKE IT AS IT IS. please


To say that Ranboo thought that when he would see Tommy, Tommy would look sick and like he wants to die was well.... not correct.

Tommy looked like shit. And not In a mean way. He looked like he went through hell and back just to get to school today.

"Aye toms you good?" Tubbo spoke up. Ranboo was more then thankful he spoke up before him himself would have to. He was glad he wasn't the only one who saw how bad Tommy looked.

"Yep." Tommy responded in the most exhausted voice ranboo had heard in a while.

"You sure? You look like shit." Purpled said looking the boy up and down. "You always do but now, you look sick."

"Big men don't get sick!" Tommy protested back. It looked like it took half of his strength to do so.

The bell rang interrupting their conversation. Tommy had a different class then the rest of them, so, (reluctantly), Purpled, Tubbo, and Ranboo walked away to their history class.

"We're calling someone at lunch.. right?" Purpled spoke up after the trio had walked in a silence for a while.

"Who do we call though?" Ranboo spoke up. "I mean, Phil is at work, Wil and techno are at school?"

"Wait." Tubbo stopped in his tracks for a moment. "I know just the person! My dad will be busy, so will Ranboo's parents, but purpled..." Tubbo turnt to him.

Purpled let out a sigh. "Fine. We can call my mom. I will assume she's on the list to be able to pick all of us up. But you know she's going to kick his ass."

"Well then. We got ourselves a plan." Ranboo muttered as he stepped into the classroom. Tommy was down for it now.

Time skip to lunch my peeps

"I have to go to the—" Tommy got caught of by coughing. "Bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." And with that he was up, and gone.

Purpled quickly got out his phone, calling whom he knew was the only help.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as the phone rang.

"Aren't you meant to be in school?" The person on the other line of the phone asked.

"Yeah. But it's lunch." Purpled let out a sigh before continuing. "Tommy's sick."

There was silence on the other side of the call. "How many kids do I need to pick up?"

"Me, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Tommy. Ranboo and Tubbo already told their parents about it and I know Phil won't mind."

You could hear someone jumping into a car {jump in the Cadillac! Girl let's put some— okay I'm sorry}before they let out a sigh. "I'll be there in a bit. Stay safe." And with that, the phone call was over.

"So?" Tubbo asked. "She's coming. She sounded pissed though." Purpled responded pocketing his phone. As if the school could feel the tension between them, the bell went off signaling that class was going to start soon.

I am losing motivation Jesus-

"Can we have Tommy, Purpled, Tubbo, and Ranboo, for an early dismissal please?" Could be heard from the classroom intercom. Tommy looked confused, but compelled nonetheless.

The Original Minors Of The Dream Smp.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें