Chapter 25

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Insomnia kicked in guys, which meaaaaaaans another chapter for you. --Happy Sunday guys,
I've been procrastinating at its finest. I have a four page essay due tomorrow but luckily it's double spaced.
Anyways enjoy, comment, review and vote my loves ❤️❤️
- xoxo Honey Times

Its 3:45 and I drive to the set which is closer to the airport.
I head to my trailer with my suitcase and lay out at my clothes on the couch to air out.
I make my way to the kitchen side and open the fridge to see what I can eat.

I settle for a grilled cheese and go back to my room and watch tv.
It's too early to call Dakota.
I can't wait for her news and pictures.
I should have just gone straight to her apartment. But I'm too tired to have made the drive there.
I finish my meal and drift to sleep.


My phone ringing in the counter wakes me up so I get up and head to answer it in the trailers living room.
Its 9am and it could be Dakota.
"Mm hello?" I rub my eyes and yawn.

"Good morning sleepy head"


"Yes me"


"No don't hang up I have to tell you something important"

"I'm not interested"

I end the call and my head starts to pound and all of a sudden my airways closes and I can't breath.
I take one step towards the bedroom where my inhaler is and I collapse on the floor gasping for air.
I clutch my chest and inhale air but it doesn't go down to my lungs
All I'm thinking is
Someone help me


The door flings open and it's my love
"Jamie!" She crouches down to me and I take big gulps of air and gasp out loud

"Jamie tell me what to do I don't know
what to do" tears spring out of her eyes

"Jamie" she places her mouth over mine and start to blow air into my mouth.
...No my inhaler..

I continue to gasp and she pleads "Jamie please "

"in-ha-ler" I thankfully manage to say

"Where?!" She gets up and I can't see what she's doing.
I can't hear her over my gasps for air
Slowly an odd relief starts to build into me and everything starts to visually close in and black out.
And then it's all gone.

My eyes fling open and I cough out and gasp once more a lung full of air and this time it goes down and I'm breathing through my nose.
My chest aches because of my hard attempts to bring in air.
I lazily look up at Dakota as my head rests on her lap and her tears drop on my face and she's a mixture of laughter and sobs.
"Oh baby..." She kisses my cheek and mouth over and over again.
"Don't do that to me ever again" she pulls me to her chest in an embrace.

"Water" I tell her.
Suddenly 2 paramedics rush inside and behind them is Sam and Dana and the paramedics crouch down to me

"Is he fine now?" They ask

"He was having an attack to which I arrived a little too late" she sobs quietly. "But I found his inhaler and sprayed it in his mouth."

"Okay good but we need to check his vitals and make sure he's stable"

They grab me and place me on the couch.
I feel so weak right now. Like jello.
Dakota gets up from having knelt down brings me a cup of water and joins me on the couch. I weakly managed to grab her hand for reassurance that I'm fine and take a tentative sip of water.
And she wipes her tears with the other one.
After a few minutes the paramedics start to put their machines away in their cases.
"Your vitals are good not great, they could be better. But your good and that counts. You need to make sure you have spares closer to you. This was a close call. Your pressure is low."
After they leave Dakota transfers me to the bed and lays with me and Dana says "Jamie are you sure there isn't anything we can do"

This Can't Be (Dakota and Jamie love story) #WATTYS2015Where stories live. Discover now