Chapter 8

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Sidenote: please please please comment any opinions. I love reviews , tell me what you think about my story so far. Should I continue ? PS yes my story is romantic but I'm giving it a dramatic twist, if you guys don't mind.
- xoxo Honey Times

It's been a couple of weeks and filming has gone perfect. Almost all the non sex scenes have been filmed but tomorrow is the elevator scene , but besides that the vibe on the set has been amazing.
Dakota has been amazing.
We hang out after scenes and we have had movie night with the others almost every night.
Although I'd prefer it'd be between us, at least I'm with her every night even if it includes, Eloise, Luke,Rita and Victor.
It's been a couple of weeks since that incident with her and I can't help but still have this un easy feeling in the back of my head but if she says I should forget it, then I'm going to honor what she wishes.
But it won't make me forget what happened physically.
It puzzles me to wonder why she acted the way she acted over a spilt drink and a shattered glass.

"Okay Jamie, I'm ready" Dakota says as she walks down the stoop from her trailer.
It's been raining down hard in Vancouver lately and I open my umbrella and shield us.
"You're not forgetting anything?"
"No" she nods
"Okay let's go"

Once in the car she says "thank you for driving me home"
"No it's no problem"
She smiles "my friend forgot she was going to need a car when she came to visit her family here in Canada so I was more than willing to lent her my car"
I look over at her "well I'm glad because now I get to spend it with you"
What the? Where did that come from?
"I'm glad too" she blushes.
The car makes a low rumble so I pull over to a safe side.
"What was that?" She glances at me
"Not sure I'm going to check"
"Be careful"
I pop the trunk of the car and check the oil and water and after a few Im certain I find the cause of the rumble and head back inside.
"What is it?" She asks
"Almost sure it's either the engines cylinders got blocked with water or the transmission's gear slipped"
I laugh "the water fucked up the car"
She laughs "ohhhhhhhhhh"
"Should we call someone?"
"No, the cars good enough to drive you to your house and I'll leave it their until tomorrow, hopefully it drys by then and I'll call a taxi, if you don't mind"
"Of course not" she replies "you're drenched" she touches my shoulder
"Yeah that's what happens when it rains"
"Shut up" she shoves my shoulders and we laugh.

We arrive at her apartment and I enter the garage to park the car.
We get out of the car and she says
"Why don't you call the cab from my apartment, I'm going to give you a towel to dry off and something for you to change in"
"Thank you"
We ride the elevator up and she says
"What is it about elevators?"
I glance at her and we start laughing.
"Can't wait to shoot that scene tomorrow" I reply
She looks down and I know she blushes.

"Bathroom is 2 doors to your right" she points "I'll grab the towel"
"Okay thank you"
I come out shirtless with my sweater and shirt in hand.
When she turns to look at me she gasps. I smile
Ahhhh good sign
"J-Jamie, Uhm here's the towel" she hands me a pink bath towel that makes me laugh inwardly, I dry my hair and arms. Aware that she's watching. She heads to the kitchen to do I don't know what but I don't keep my eyes of her and I know she can feel me stare at her.
"Do you want some coffee?" She says breathlessly from the kitchen
"Yes please" I cut my gaze at her and look around the living room pondering.
I can't wait till tomorrow.
It's now or never Dornan

I head over to the kitchen and stand right behind Dakota, close enough for her to feel my breath on her.

This Can't Be (Dakota and Jamie love story) #WATTYS2015Where stories live. Discover now