Through Heaven's Eyes (Prince of Egypt)

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Through Heaven's Eyes (Prince of Egypt)

Featuring: Instruments (Moon Goats & Royal Woods Marching Band - Luna, Sam, Chunk, Sully, Mazzy, Carol, Lincoln, Clyde etc.)

Vocals - Jethro (Albert and Hector Casagrande), Ensemble (Choir: Loud Sisters, Ronnie, Bobby, Sid, Adelaide, Zach, Liam, Rusty, CJ, Carlino, Carlota, and Carlino)

Location: Loud-Verse Earth-LMP1 (Prime Loud Music Parody World, my HC), Royal Woods Theater/Studio

AN: More from the Pesach/Passover Week (Commonly known as Holy Week/Easter Week), and this time we're using a song from the Dreamworks Movie, "Prince of Egypt" which is a story of Moses/Moshe and how he lived his life from being the adopted son of Egyptian royalty, to finding out his origin and being a renegade, to being adopted by a humble Midianite group (Tzipporah, Jethro, etc.) and being chose by God as the rescuer of His people, the Israelite. The story is a great drama and sometimes called as a "forgotten masterpiece" for all audiences. The theater will be used as a means to record and some of the lyrics may overlapped due to having two versions (movie & choir versions). Lincoln doesn't have any voice here as well as Clyde since this is the very beginning of the movie, the day Baby Moses/Moshe is concealed from the Egyptian authorities. This is the last song from "Prince of Egypt" because the next few songs belong to "Joseph - King of Dreams" and it will not be from this theater anymore. Rather, it will be on Luna's Studio. Without further ado, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

-Music Star: Instrumental Intro-


A single thread in a tapestry

Though its color brightly shine

Can never see its purpose

In the pattern of the grand design

And the stone that sits on the very top

Of the mountain's mighty face

Does it think it's more important

Than the stones that form the base?


So how can you see what your life is worth

Or where your value lies?

You can never see through the eyes of man

You must look at your life

Look at your life through Heaven's eyes













A lake of gold in the desert sand

Is less than a cool fresh spring

And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy

Is greater than the richest king

If a man lose everything he owns

Has he truly lost his worth?

Or is it the beginning

Of a new and brighter birth?


So how do you measure the worth of a man?

In wealth or strength or size?

In how much he gained or how much he gave?

The answer will come

The answer will come to him who tries

To look at his life through Heaven's eyes


And that's why we share all we have with you

Though there's little to be found

When all you've got is nothing

There's a lot to go around

No life can escape being blown about

By the winds of change and chance

And though you never know all the steps

You must learn to join the dance

You must learn to join the dance










So how do you judge what a man is worth?

By what he builds or buys?


You can never see with your eyes on Earth

Look through Heaven's eyes

Look at your life, look at your life

Look at your life through Heaven's eyes...

-Music Post-Chorus Ensemble until End-

PiroBal: And scene! Give a round of applause to our guests that performed a spectacular performance!

There was a round of applause from the audience and since it was curtain call, it was time to announce the performers. The announcements took an hour long or so, and it was a standing ovation. Of course they got some small gifts after the show, some are pamphlets of the show and summary of the movie that was used. Those who submitted a form are gonna be given a copy of the movie via social media accounts, both "Prince of Egypt" and "Joseph - King of Dreams". I, myself had to ensure that the theater is clean while the performers are given their rightful reward for the whole thing. Food, money and the same copy of the film too.

Lincoln: Well, the next special song will be held on Luna's studio now. I'd say we go home and rest.

PiroBal: I'll say. Well, readers... Happy Easter or Happy Pesach/Passover Feast Day. Stay safe everyone.

-END: Holy Week Special continues until Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday Afternoon-

AN: That was a special from Prince of Egypt. In Maundy Thursday and/or Good Friday might be Joseph - King of Dreams songs (Such as - Better Than I, Whatever Roads at Your Feet/More Than You Take, Miracle Child, Bloom/Bloom Reprise, Marketplace). Then there are some I had a bit of optional songs (like Prince of Egypt - Playing with the Big Boys, All I Ever Wanted [Reprise to the "Plagues"]). If you had any suggestion for this Pesach Week, make sure they relate to the given Holiday. However some songs such as - "The Plagues" and "When You Believe/There Can be Miracles" are already done previously so I can't do them.

Saturday will be a break from all these because, it is the next day after the Crucifixion/Stations of the Cross so I will not submit anything on that day. Philippine time is different from others so the day might be different from others.

Once again, Thanks you, leave a like, review/request, follow and I hope you enjoy. God Bless, Stay Safe and Peace/Shalom!

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