Chapter 30

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Holy shit that man knows how to work me. I'm insatiable. I don't want to get ready for this dinner at all. No. What I want is to get in his bed and spend the rest of the evening laying back while he does wicked things to me. Its getting harder and harder to not just let him fuck me. I'm desperate for him. My pussy is becoming a greedy bitch, I think now that she's had a real taste for what an orgasm can truly be, because let's face it, I can make myself cum, but when he does it, it's a whole other fucking orgasmic experience.

And fighting with him was super fun. I know he was holding back. It's the only possible reason I got him in the position I did to win. Plus I played dirty with him, but hey, if you have something to use against someone for advantage use it. He didn't **have** to Tap out, I'd still have let him shove his dick down my-

"Earth to Kyah.... Hellllloo, baby girl" I hear Jake say

"Sorry what?" He laughs and Josh says

"We've been asking you what you want to wear. And seriously I don't know how the others didn't smell you at the training ground because, girl! Your pheromones are off the charts and are screaming to be mated. Like I've never smelt another female's arousal so strongly before. You must be driving that man insane. Your even doing it now and if I had a mate or a boyfriend for that matter, I would seriously drop your ass right now to go fuck. It's that strong you're affecting me and that's not supposed to be possible. So stop thinking about your sexy Alpha and pick a dress"

"Seriously? It's that bad?" They give me a look and Jake says

"We shit you not. You're affecting me too. Maybe it's because we're in such close proximity to you, I don't know. But just be glad the other Alphas didn't notice. I'm sure a fight would have broken out so they could all show their dominance to have you, or legged it to the nearest willing female to spread her legs and fucked them silly."

"Urgh, I can't fucking help it! Since I let him mark me it's like, all I can think about is fucking his brains out. I'm constantly turned on, it's ridiculous!" I whine, getting horney just thinking about fucking him.

"Then mate with him. I thought you said you've been given permission to remain in the trials even if you do, no?" Jake says as he flicks through a rail filled with dresses.

"I really want to, I really do but I haven't known him that long. I can't trust that it's not just the bond. I need a grand gesture, I just... I don't know what sort of gesture I need. Something, other than the fact he was an arsehole when I first met him, is holding me back and I don't know what it is." I tell them

"Then you're going to be one horny kitty cat until you do. And by the smell of it, it's only going to get stronger. This sort of thing has never happened before and I'm not sure you will be able to hold out for your grand gesture." Josh adds as he packs away his makeup and hair kits. I think they're right, which sobers my pussy from it's lusty greediness. At least for a couple minutes.

"Why are you packing up?" I ask as it registers what he's doing.

"Because I don't need it. You just need to pick a dress."

"But my hair and makeup-"
"Have been done. You've been daydreaming the entire time, you didn't even notice any of it being done." Josh tells me. I spin and look in the mirror and Holy shit, there I am, hair and makeup done. He's stuck to what I like, but given my eyelids a coat of glittery emerald green eye shadow. The rest is my usual natural look. My hair has been put into a sophisticated side bun, with loose wisps to frame my face.

"Sorry guys. I need to figure out a way to keep my head out of the gutter. Any ideas?" I say feeling bad that I haven't heard or noticed a single thing they've done since we've been back.

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