Chapter 6

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"Alpha, we need to know with certainty that she is your mate. Did you confirm it?" He asks as all the other Alphas and shifters leave in the opposite direction to her, going to their bidding booths.

"I went to confirm it. But she exposed her neck and my wolf took over marking her. So no." I fume. I hate that no one knows who I am yet. I'm the future king and I demand fucking respect. But I have to keep my facade up. For now...

"You know she has to accept. But if you can prove she's your true mate. It will give you a little more leeway in regards to her. But untill she accepts she will still be a part of the bidding and the Alpha selection. You can also still be challenged at any time for her." He says

"Fine. I'll prove it. I wouldn't be able to do this from marking alone if she wasn't my true mate" I let my wolf take over and he pulls and tightens the bond that now connects us from the marking. I can feel it tightening as she tries to get further away but it will be excruciatingly painful for her. I didn't want a mate, but she is mine and I do want her. What my father said was true and I can't fight it any more than she can. But I do love the challenge she's setting me. 

It's not much longer when she crashes through the door and falls to her hands and knees. I knew it, now I don't need the kiss to confirm it but I do need it to strengthen the bond. It will make her want me more as well, make it harder for her to fight and resist me. With a smirk I turn to the guard and say with complete satisfaction 

"Proof enough?"

"Yes, but as I said until she accepts it, she's still a part of the challenge. If you have a problem with it I suggest you take it up with the king." The bastard said that for her benefit. She will keep fighting me. I can see it in the way she looks at me furiously.

"What….The…. Fuck.... Did.... You.... Do.… To.... Me?" She pants, still in pain. After being forced to come to me the pain won't subside until I touch her. It's the bond at work because the more I touch her the stronger it gets and the more it will pull her to me. I stride towards her and pick her up off the floor, pulling her into my chest. I start rubbing my head over hers and rubbing her arms and putting as much of my scent on her as possible. She sighs from the instant relief and the sparks she no doubt feels, running through her veins. But she still tries to push away from me.

"Let. Me. Go! You're such an arsehole. What did you do to me!" She really is cute when she's mad.

"I was proving your mine! I suggest you stop fighting it. You'll only be hurting yourself" I thread my fingers through her hair and pull her towards me. Just as I think I'm going to finally kiss her she puts her hand in front of her mouth stopping me and I growl.

"Don't even think about kissing me. If you think I'll be with you because of this. You're wrong. Don't forget how I met you, you… you... philandering.. sleazeball. I won't be second to fucking anyone. Or your sexslave while you go of fucking any cunt that spreads her legs for you. Now let me go. And don't do that fucking shit again." She snaps. All this trouble for a fucking female I didn't even want. Why did she have to turn up now? I don't want to reject the one meant for me, my wolf snarls at me for even contemplating it. 

"I'll let you in on a little secret. When you barged in on me earlier, I may have been fucking some female, but. I'd already seen you and was picture you the whole time I was fucking her. And you'd enjoy being my sexslave. But you would never be second to anyone. My wolf wouldn't allow it. Now accept the bond so I can take you with me." I demand. She sneers at me and shoves away yelling

"Like that makes it OK! I have to remain a virgin for you but you can fuck who ever you want when you want! I'll go fuck some random then shall I? As long as I picture you it's OK. RIGHT?" I growl, my wolf making it vibrate loudly with power as he too growls. I grab her throat and get in her face 

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