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Sana's pov 

We all gather in Sirius' living room. Wands secured tightly around our fists. We were about to leave for Harry's residence. 

Unfortunately, Sirius won't be able to come. There's still no way we are taking the chance of him being seen. Instead, he offered to stay and take care of my mum. Though I know she can take care of herself. 

Those two are a very terrifying duo. 

"You sure you'll be okay with him? " I ask her, smiling at the face Sirius makes. He turns to Remus. "You sure you're still okay with her?  " He mimics. 

I laugh, give my mum a kiss on the head. Sirius pats my back, does the same to Remus. "You two are massive assholes, but please, don't even think about becoming fried Sana & Remus. Deal?" 

We nod. "Deal." Remus & I say in synchrony. His warm hand takes mine, rubbing his thumb on it softly. "We'll be okay." 

Sirius exits with my mum, they wave us goodbye. 

Luckily, me and Remus got a decent night's sleep. We're well rested enough to protect Harry against Death Eaters, and hopefully, protect ourselves as well.

"Right. So we're apparating to his house, and we're going in as quick as possible." He says only what he's already said fifty times. "Yes. Understood." 

Remus sighs, and I kiss him on the cheek. 

"Shall we?" I offer my hand, and he takes it slowly. Soon enough, the whole room is spinning, and then the world is spinning too.

I grab onto his hand tighter, squinting as the feeling makes me want to vomit. I land on the floor with a thud, and I accidentally pull him down with me, so he falls right on top of me. 

"Ouch." I groan. He chuckles, lifting himself off me. He helps me up, and we follow into the house carefully. 

Everyone's already inside, multiple faces I haven't seen in ages. I let go of Remus' hand and jump into Hermione's embrace. 

"Thank heavens, you're okay!" I exclaim, smiling wide. She returns the smile, eyeing me up and down. "Lupin brought you back in once piece, impressive." 

I laugh and hug her once more. "I've missed you. Don't you ever return to that house!" She scolds, referring to the Malfoy Manor. 

"Obviously, but you do realise I never wanted to. I'm fighting for this side, I always was, and always will." 

She nods. "I know. When Harry told me he saw you at the Astronomy Tower, I couldn't believe what he was saying. I called him insane, even." 

"Then I explained to them that you were a decoy, and they fell right into our trap." Tonks joins in, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but hello?! I haven't seen her the longest." Madi bumps past both of the girls, pulling me into her arms. 

I laugh loudly, wrapping my arms around her excited figure. "Hey! I had no idea you were coming, my god I didn't even know if you were okay." I say. 

She smiles enthusiastically. "You're the one that I was concerned about. Now come on, lets join the others." 

Remus is already waiting for me against a wall, and I join him, whispering a small 'Hi'. He rests his arm around my waist. "Hello." 

I focus my attention on Harry, who doesn't look very cheerful about the whole polyjuice idea Madeye suggested. 

"Told you he'd take it well." Hermione says, and I snort. 

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