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Sana's pov

I stuffed my belongings into one bag, groaning in frustration as I do so. Packing has never been my forte, Remus can vouch on that. 

"You need help with that?" He offered as he proceeded to pack his own belongings, I laughed. "Funny how you think I can't pack a suitcase, but thank you for offering Remus." 

He chuckled and pulled me by my waist, causing me to drop the clothes that I was holding in my hand. 

"Rem what are you doing we have to pack." I laughed and caressed his cheek lovingly, yet my tone had bits of sadness to it. I didn't want to go back to Hogwarts

Don't get me wrong, I love Hogwarts and I love my friends. But I'd much rather stay here, with Remus. Somewhere where we don't have to hide our relationship, interact in secret. 

Yes, a couple of people know and cover up for us but it's not the same. I do have hope that when I graduate, and when all the Voldemort shit is over we will be able to live a normal life just the two of us like any other couple would.

"Don't make that face darling. You know we'll see each other every day like usual. I will even pay u a secret visits." Remus cooed and kissed me softly, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I know love but it's not the same."  

"I never said it was. Hey but we still have a couple of hours, we can put them to use can't we? Sirius and Dora are out for drinks, why don't we have some fun?" Remus suggested with a smirk, which I returned. 

"If by fun you mean packing, I'm here for it." I laughed and continued to fold my clothes. 

"Don't be a bore love, we won't be able to do this back in Hogwarts, at least not for a while." He picked me up by my waist, I wrapped my legs around his body. Remus placed me on top of a cabinet. "Now where were we?" 

He pushed my hair to the side, running his fingers along the sensitive skin of my neck. The slight touch sending goosebumps all over my skin. He smirked at my reaction. 

"You were at the part where you get your damn clothes packed and stop making out." Sirius interrupted and stuck his tongue out in disgust. 

I laughed it off, "Told you, you stubborn dog." I hopped off the cabinet, reaching for my clothes once more. 

"Now that's a pretty ironic thing to say." Sirius chimed in, I chuckled in response. "You're just as much of a dog Sirius." Remus teased, Sirius smiled at his joke. 

"I'm gonna miss you moony, you haven't changed a bit. Well except for the fact that you're dating your student, but hey I'm gonna miss her too." 

"I'm going to miss you too Padfoot, but we'll write to you, and Dora of course. Won't we Sana?" He took a step closer to me, handing me over a pair of shoes I forgot to pack. 

"Course we will." I smiled. 

"You better. I bet you it'll be lonely here without you two, but I won't miss waking up at two AM to the sound of you two-" Sirius teased, although I'm not quite sure he was aware of what he was saying. 

"That's enough Sirius." I cut him off just in time. Remus laughed as he flicked his wand, and in one second his clothes were all perfectly packed. 

I stared at him like an idiot, why didn't I think of that, i'm a fucking wizard.  

"You could've just used magic." Remus laughed, Sirius joining in when he realised I had just spent hours packing when I could've just used my wand. 

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