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Sana's pov: 

One thing I was not going to do was let Remus down, let the order down. 

So I step forth. Draco had his wand raised, crying. Snape and other Death Eaters circled behind him. Though Snape looks particularly more touched.

I clear my throat, step forward so I was aligned with Draco.  

I look straight into Dumbledore's eyes. 

I don't wish to kill you, or harm you in any sort. I'm on your side. Please don't expose me.

He nods, "Miss White." He states. I stiffen. 

"It's brave of you to speak whilst in your position." A random death eater adds, he ignores him. "I wish you all the best with Mr Lupin. Shame that your alliances lie on the wrong side." I could swear he winked at me. 

"Yes well, me and Lupin were never a thing anyway." I lie, I can't afford the Death Eaters going after Remus at all. We're back to square one for now. 

Snape scoffs. I shoot him a cold stare. 

"Come on you two." Bellatrix slides in the middle of us, placing her scaly hands on both of our shoulders. "Enough chit chat, on with it." She hisses. 

I feel like if I close my eyes I could just get this over with, but alas, I can't. 

So I open my eyes, and face the helpless man before me. A man that might just be our only chance of surviving this war. 

And soon I'll be the one do destroy every hope we have. 

It is impossible to describe how much guilt is washing through me, drowning me. I gulp. Hold on tight to the locket that hangs around my neck. 

Dumbledore looks to my left, it takes me a second to realise a third wizard had stepped up. Snape. 

Then I realise.

Three wizards, all of whom stand together for completely different reasons. Our lives are so different, yet so similar. 

"Severus. Please." Dumbledore pleads. Snape's demeanour changes, stiffens. There is evident remorse in his eyes, evident doubt. 

It doesn't take an idiot to realise that Snape wasn't who he wanted us to believe he is. 

Or maybe it does, maybe it's the fact that I've been put in the same position that allows me to see right through him. 

"Avada Kedavra." He curses, finally. 

The atmosphere is suddenly so loud, Bellatrix laughing maniacally, Death Eaters chanting, rumbling from underneath us. 

But I can't hear a thing. 

All sound is muffled, my focus lays on the, now dead, wizard. I watch as he falls, and all hope falls with him. 

It's no joke anymore. 

The war has commenced. 

Draco grabs my arms, pulls me along with the other Death Eaters, who seem to be heading outside but manage to vandalise the castle with every step they take. 

A castle that was once my home, my safe space. 

We're all outside, and the sky couldn't get any darker. The only light shining was the light that came from the moon above us. 

A full moon. 

With everything that's been going on I forgot that today was a full moon, and Remus was so selfless not mention it. 

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