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Sana's pov

"Why the fuck is charms taking so long." Blaise whispered in my ear. He was huffing and playing around with his pencil. I feel bad for Professor Flitwick. No one really payed attention in charms since 2nd year. Everyone mostly worried about how moody Snape would be.

"Sanaaaaaaa" Blaise kept nudging me on the arm.

"Sana talk to me I'm bored as fuck." He was whining like a baby. He sent me a fake pout.

"Fine what do you want?"

"Merlin finally. I want your notes, I couldn't be bothered to do them myself."

I scoffed and handed him my notes. I made sure Professor Flitwick didn't see. Even though his detentions were pathetic.

"Okay thanks, I'm gonna dip now Professor shorty won't miss me." He got up from his seat, flicked his invisible hair and exited the classroom. I chuckled. I don't get how someone has this much confidence. I aspire to be like him.

"Mr Zabani! Zabi-" Professor Flitwick was calling after him but he was already long gone.

"Sorry Professor I don't think he heard you." I heard Pansy interrupt him. I looked at her then back to my paper. I laughed. Professor Flitwick sent us a death stare.

I lowered my head in emberrassment and proceeded to read the assigned text.


I was sat down at the Gryffindor table for lunch. It was noisy today. Compared to yesterday the food was pretty shit. Ron seemed to be enjoying it though. Maybe a little bit too much. I laughed to myself.

"What? I'm hungry alright? Jeez." He said, while stuffing some mash potatoes into his mouth.

"Okay okay sorry." I giggled and turned to talk to Hermione. Ron mumbled something I couldn't quite comprehend. Hermione didn't find it funny. Well of course she didn't, she was fucking in love with him.

I didn't feel like eating much today. No specific reason, just that the food was very shit. I looked over to Madi. She was chatting with Harry, per usual. Harry stroked her upper arm. Seems like he's interested as well.

I was interrupted when Cormac took a seat in front of me.

"Hey babe." He said with a disgusting smirk on his face. Hermione turned to us with a confused look. 'Babe?', she mouthed to me. I shook my head.

"Oh hey "babe", looking extra musty today are we?" I mocked. He huffed. I turned away to face Hermione. She chuckled in response. Shit I remembered I had to go change. Professor Lupin told us to meet him at the Black Lake for today's DADA class.

"Hermione, Ginny, Madi. We should head back to the dorms, we have DADA in the Black Lake today." I signalled for them to follow me. We left the Great Hall earlier than the other students. I decided it was best since Madi takes ages to get ready.


Ginny called dibs on changing first. Since we only had one bathroom we had to take turns.

"Okay what should I wear?" Madi was holding up some skirts and tops.

"Madeline its a lake, not a fashion show." Hermione answered, she was already holding a simple pair of sweats and a blank top. I laughed.

I got up and opened my drawer. I picked out a long shirt, a jumper and sweat pants. I was't gonna dress nicely to a lake. I also put on a bathing suit just incase, although I don't plan on getting wet.

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