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Sana's pov

I was finally starting my 6th year at Hogwarts. Don't get me wrong It's school, I'm not that excited. The only major difference is we have Professor Lupin back. Last year we had this toad ass looking teacher. Delores Umbridge. She was a pain in the ass, honestly.

I spent the whole summer break with my grandpa John, or as I call him Grandpa Johnny. Him and I were really close. Especially after my parents' death.

I wasn't very close to my parents. Neither was my sister Isabelle. The White's were once death eaters, and since Lord Voldemort came back everyone expected me and Belle to join them.

However, that's not going to happen. I would never join him. We would never join him. I honestly don't know where Belle has been throughout summer break. I look up to her a lot. You see, we were so close when we were little. Nothing changed of course, we just grew apart.

Anyways, I should stop daydreaming because this train probably won't fucking wait for me. I was sprinting towards the platform, I made it there on time. Well sort of, the train leaves in 5 minutes.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard a familiar voice.

"Sana, are you eye fucking that guy over there or is it just my imagination"

I turned around and I saw Madeline standing behind me with a smirk on her face. We've been best friends for years but she's always been difficult. That's exactly why I love her.

"Oh fuck off Madi" I said, pushing her playfully. I didn't even realise that I was staring at the dude. "Wonder who that is though, never saw him around." I stated, genuinely curious.

"Probably some random new stu- Holy shit thats Harry!" Said Madeline, a little too loud. Harry looked at us with a warm smile and waved at us. I smiled back at him and sent him a small wave. Madeline was waving dramatically and giggling like a teenage girl.

"Madi no, not Harry for fucks sake." She shrugged. I sighed, trying to hold back a laugh. When Harry was out of sight she looked at me with a 'what' look.

"Fucking hell, the train is about to leave." I dragged Madi along with me into the train. Most seats were full. The train was full of students laughing and chatting. It was pretty noisy actually. We sat down next to Pansy, Draco and Blaise.

Me and Madi were both Gryffindors but we made friends with the Slytherins back in third year. "Oh so I don't get a hi, Sana?" Pansy asked playfully. I laughed and hugged her. Blaise and Madi eyed each other with confused looks. "What?" I asked.

"Last time I checked you and Pansy had broken up. Why are you all touchy?" Asked Draco. Draco is a pain in the ass to most people, but he was a childhood friend. Due to both of our parents being death eaters we spent a lot of time together. He's like a brother to me.

"We are still friends Draco, forget it." Said pansy. I sent her a smile and a nod. "Okay sure." Said Madi and winked at me. I scoffed. "For fucks sake Madeline." She chuckled to herself. Blaise was trying too hard to hold back his own laugh. "Merlin you guys will be the death of us." Said pansy, she was laughing too.


The train ride was coming to an end. Funny, we never usually have cheerful train rides. Draco usually brings up his will to kill himself and no one really knows what to say. Madi acts like a therapist and writes down notes, but Draco saw her throw them away. Draco is still pissed at her.

Finally the train stopped. I looked outside and the outsides were gloomy, the trees were dead. "This is gonna be one cheerful year!" I said, and pointed a thumbs up sarcastically. Pansy chuckled. Me, Madeline and Pansy linked arms and skipped towards the castle.

Most people would assume we were stoned idiots but we were just really trying to make the most of this year. Everyone attending Hogwarts could tell something horrible was to come.

We made our way to the Gryffindor common room. "Bye Pansy!" I said, and gave her a tight hug. "AHEM!" Madi exclaimed. We both pulled away awkwardly.

I sat in the couch. These pillows were never even comfortable. Madi stared at me like I was supposed to know what she was eyeing me about. "Okay what is it this time?" I asked. She rolled her eyes, "Fuck off Sana you love me. Maybe even more than you love Pansy." She smirked. I scoffed.

"For your information I do not love Pansy, not like that." I replied, tracing shapes along my thighs. "And I'm supposed to believe that for what reason again miss White?" Madi asked sarcastically. "Because, Miss Scott, you just should." I replied, with the same tone. She rolled her eyes. I chuckled.

The common room was awfully quiet. I wonder where the others are. "SANA WHITE HOW DARE YOU NOT WRITE TO ME!" shouted someone from behind me. I was about to reply when I was cut off, I was being tackled by Hermione Granger.

"Alright, Alright I surrender. I forgot to write, I'm sorry Mione." I told her, laughing so hard. She looked less amused. That made me laugh even more. She was staring at me with a blank face, so I did the same.

Soon enough we both burst out laughing. "I missed you dumbass!" she said in between laughs. "I missed you more smartass!" I exclaimed and hugged her tightly.

She pulled away and hit me with a folded piece of paper. "Hermione what the actual fuck was that for?"

She tucked a hair behind my ear, "I told you not to call me a smartass, so that's what you get in return." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Get you a friend like Hermione Granger.

"Hi Hermione, Sana!" Harry aproached us and placed a hand on both of our shoulders. He looked different. Very attractive, not my type though.

As soon as Madi heard Harry's name she rushed over to where we were sitting. "Oh so now you're interested?" She rolled her eyes at my comment and placed herself next to me.

"Hey Harry! You look very nice." Madi smiled at him. "Thank you Madeline, you look gorgeous yourself." He removed his hands from Hermione and I's shoulder and placed both of them on Madi's shoulders. She was really blushing.

Me and Mione eyed each other and giggled quietly. "I ship it" She said quietly so only I could hear. I nodded in response and continued laughing. "What's so funnyyyyyy" Madi asked with puppy dog eyes. She's a sucker for gossip.

"Oh nothing, me and Sana were just going to head to our dorms, right Sana?" Hermione nudged my shoulder. "Oh um yeah see you Madi" I waved goodbye and Hermione dragged me upstairs.

"I'm going to go to sleep" I slid into my pyjamas and laid down. "I don't want to be late to class, Goodnight Mione." She turned off the lights and slid under her own covers. "Goodnight Sana."

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