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Sana's pov: 

"Attention!" Dumbledore called from the front of the Great Hall. No one listened. "SILENCE!" He called, now much louder. 

Every head in the Great Hall turns to face him, including mine. "I'd like to make a toast." He held up his glass, a messy smile spread across his face. 

"As some of you might know, as of Friday Professor Lupin will not be joining us at Hogwarts anymore."

Those words stung like a bitch. Yes, I told him I was fine with it, and I am. But its not the easiest thing to think about. 

"I'm sure we will miss him very much, some more than others." He sent a subtle wink towards me, I hope no one noticed. "To our incredible Professor Lupin!" He smiled as the students cheered. 

Remus stood up proudly, Dumbledore patted him in the back. 'I love you' I mouthed with a genuine smile. Only he noticed it though. He discretely smiled back at me. 

"Did you know he was leaving?" Hermione whispered into my ear, a concerned look painted all over her face. 

I smiled, "Yeah, I did. He resigned so we wouldn't have to hide our relationship" I whispered back. I was unaware of the smile on my face, but Hermione wasn't. 

She let out a happy laugh and wrapped her arms around the back of my neck, pulling me into a back hug. "That's great! I'm so happy for you two!" She exclaimed gleefully. 

"I know. Things will be much easier now. Except for the fact I don't get to see him everyday." I groaned, burying my head on my hands.

"Don't be dramatic you idiot. The weekends exist for a reason." She scoffed. 

I laughed, "Yes but-"

"Shh. No buts, be happy for for yourselves, for the love of fuck." Hermione cut me off. 

"Its me, I love to fuck. Anyways, what are we talking about ladies?" Madi chimed in and sent us both a subtle wink. "Ew Madeline, keep that to yourself please." grimaced, shaking my head in disgust. 

She smirked, "Lupin's leaving huh?" 

I nodded slowly, "Yup, Lupin's leaving." 

She elbowed my arm, "Hey cheer up gloomy, that means you get to shag in public!" 

"Gross. I am officially emotionally scarred." Madeline giggled, ruffling the top of my head. "You know you love me." 

"Sometimes I wish I didn't." I groaned, brushing my hair with my fingers. 


The days flew by faster than expected. Remus was leaving tomorrow and I didn't leave his room for two days straight. 

He'd go to class and I'd stay in his room. I would never go to my classes. I would occasionally show up to dinner, other times I would just snack on chocolate I found scattered in his room. 

"Darling you should really start going to your classes. Snape's starting to question it." Remus chuckled, caressing my thighs softly. 

I shrugged, "Can't the man cut me some slack for a week." I laughed, looking up at him. He kissed the tip of my nose. "If this is about me leaving-" 

"I'm okay with it Remus, I just need to get used to the idea of not sneaking into your room every night to lay with you." 

He smirked. "And to have sex with me." He added smugly, crossing his hands above his head as I lay in between his legs. 

I laughed and hit his thigh lightly, "That too." 

He laughed, placing a small kiss on the back of my shoulder. "Lets get some rest shall we?" He extended his arm, signalling for me to come lay beneath it. 

I crawled over to him giddily, he shook his head in amusement at my excitement. 

We sat like this for a couple of moments. My head resting on his chest as I listened to his peaceful heartbeat. I could've sworn I had the pattern memorised.  

It was an enjoyable silence. 

One that could speak for itself. 

"Remus?" I broke the silence, his head jolted towards me. "Promise me that despite the order's reactions you'll still stay with me." I whispered. 

He let out an amused sigh, hand caressing my hair. "Sana why would I ever leave you? You are hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me. Only an idiot would ever dream of letting you go." He finished. 

I looked up at him, his beautiful light blue eyes meeting my brown ones. One of his hands pulled my chin up, engulfing me into a soft, delicate, much needed kiss. 

"Goodnight darling." He whispered and placed a small kiss on my forehead. 

"Sleep well Moony." I hummed, falling asleep in his chest.


My eyes opened rapidly at the sudden beam of light attacking my face. "Jesus Rem, could you be more delicate?" I groaned sarcastically, sitting up and pulling my fallen bra strap back up. 

He turned his head towards me, his body still facing his drawers. A flash of exhaustion barely noticeable on his expression. 

His soft curls messily fell on his forehead. He was wearing nothing but a baggy pair of trousers. I would practically devour him if I could. 

"Earth to Sana." He chuckled, jumping on the bed and attacking my face with kisses. "What a great way to wake me up." I said in between giggles, my hands wrapped around the back of his neck as he dove us further into the bed. 

"What's with the burst of energy?" I questioned. 

"Ah but you see my love, it's not everyday a werewolf gets to tell the order about their girlfriend, who might I add, is not their student." He beamed, pampering kisses along my spine. 

I laughed, but shivered at the feeling of his lips against my skin. "What about me? I get to tell everyone about my extremely handsome boyfriend, who might I add, is not my teacher!" I mocked. 

He rose a brow, "That doesn't mean you get to talk to me like that, young lady." He teased, propping me on his lap as he massaged my temples. 

"As much as I'd love to-" 

"Quiet." He spat as his lips flew onto my neck, sending me into an immense wave of pleasure. A couple of whimpers involuntarily escaping my lips as I grabbed on to his shoulder for dear life. 

"Rem stop we need to g-go" I whimper, secretly wishing he didn't. He smiles, kissing every single inch of my face, leaving me hoping he'd do more than just that.

His body moved in amusement, lifting my chin up so we were centimetres apart. "I would but it doesn't seem like you really want me to, darling." 

God how much I'd love to smash his lips against mine.

He kisses my lips in a painfully soft way. His hand brushes my cheek ever so delicately, as if it was made of glass. 

And there I was, melting at his fingertips once more. 

We were in a world where it was just me and him. I'd give it all to make that world this world. Because I've been falling since the day he first stepped into this castle. And I can't seem to reach the ground. 

A/N: hey loves! i really hope ur all doing okay but I just wanna say how unmotivated I have been because I hate my first couple of chapters so much. therefore I will make this story a little shorter than I planned to, but I will write another book with a better plot line and better writing. I love you all and thank u for 5K reads <3 Ps; sorry for the short chapter. xo

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