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Sana's pov: 

I knocked on our Bedroom's door. Remus was resting from the long night he had yesterday. I offered to fully look after him, but Sirius insisted he wanted to pitch in. 

"Come in." Remus mumbled. I took a seat right beside him and slipped my hand into his. Our fingers now intertwined, he sent me a loving smile. 

"Merry Christmas love." I whispered, kissing him on the forehead, "How's your leg?" 

 "Its good, I can't feel the pain anymore." He wiggled his leg side by side. I let out a hearty chuckle. 

Two arms wrapped around my waist, catching me by surprise. He placed me beside him and pulled me closer to his limp body. 

His actions sent butterflies all over my stomach. I buried my head on the crook of his neck and took in his sent. 

He smelled like chocolate, nothing less than expected. 

"I better go help out downstairs. Pads is cooking Christmas lunch, do you think you'll be able to walk?" I sat up, but kept my hand in his. He nodded hesitantly. "I don't know, shall we try it out?" 

He got off his bed one foot at a time, and sent me a joyful smile when he managed to do a whole lap around the room. Remus looked very proud of himself, I grinned just at the sight of it. 

"Now now, where's my reward Miss White"  I was about to leave the room when a hand gripped my wrist and turned me around to face him. I smirked at his words, 

"I don't know Professor, come get it." I ran out the door, he chased after me. We filled the halls with laughter. Remus caught on to me. He grabbed my waist and filled my face with small kisses. 

I giggled at the interaction and pulled him downstairs, "Hey you two, guess who's well enough to get out of bed and spend Christmas with us." Sirius and Tonks beamed with joy and scurried him over to the sofa. 

"Honestly Moony, I thought it would be one of those long recoveries where you stay in bed for weeks. Which is bad, because then I can't prank or make fun of you without feeling bad. No hard feelings though, I love you always." Sirius joked, causing Remus to burst out laughing. 

"Of course, and I advise you to call off any Christmas pranks you have planned for me. They're not gonna work. I have outsmarted you this time, my friend."  Remus teased. 

Sirius looked around the room, almost as if he knew what he meant. "What are they talking about." I whispered into Dora's ear. "No idea, just go with it." I laughed. 

We spent the morning talking about Christmas plans. They were gonna invite some people over for a mini party, but of course they couldn't. To anyone other than us it would be strange for a student to be staying over at 3 grown adults' place, one of them being her teacher. 

"Can't we just invite Dumbledore over for dinner? I miss the guy, he has loads of facial hair and I am dying to know what products he uses to keep that beard in tact. Fascinating, utterly brilliant. I'm telling you, the guy's an icon, a legend." Sirius suggested. We laughed at his choice of words. 

"Are you mad? Oh yes, let's invite the headmaster over so he can see one of his students cuddled up with a faculty member."  Remus scoffed. 

He has a point, as nice as Dumbledore might be I'm sure he wouldn't like this. But he'd find out someday, he's a Legilimens after all.

Sirius looked down at his chair in regret, "Uh well- you see I might've-" Sirius stammered. 

"Sirius fucking Black you did not!" Tonks scolded and her hand flew to her mouth. I gasped at his words. "You invited him? We're completely fucked, he's gonna expel me, Remus he's sack you." I questioned in disbelief. 

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