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Remus' pov

I've spent the last three weeks watching the grass turn brown, waiting for any small piece of news that would inform me of her safety.

And now I have one. I have a letter, a letter that I haven't yet dared to open.

Honestly, the content of the letter is what scares me the most. there is no way I could ever know what they're doing in that house.

And Sana hasn't rubbed the necklace once, and neither did the Death Eaters.

The order has already began to worry. We're considering sending someone in without any knowledge of how to get in.

This, however, is very risky. I have warned them not to do it, as it would put many lives in danger. On the other hand, I would be open to do it myself.

There isn't one thing that I wouldn't sacrifice for Sana, and even if it would cost me my life, I'd be willing to pay the price.

I am truly empty without her, and I'm afraid I can't take the shallowness any longer.

I do appreciate the order and Sirius trying to cheer me up, they are lovely companions. However, nothing beats her presence.

I grab the letter that sits on my bed, awaiting to be opened. I stare at it for a second, she wouldn't send me something if it wasn't important.

I must be prepared.

Dear Remus,

I apologise for not writing till today, and there is so much I wish to say to you. Still, I'd rather wait for the day I can tell you it face to face. I think I've possibly have discovered a way for you to enter. The death eaters haven't questioned my locket, neither have they touched it. But luckily, their conversations are really easy to eavesdrop. Read this carefully, Scabior leaves tomorrow for some mission around 4, and the gates have a 3 minute delay. I can't guarantee you that there won't be some sort of security, because I'm quite certain there will be. But if you ask for Harry's invisibility cloak, you should be able to pass through easily. As for me, I will have stolen Scabiour's wand, so I will alert Lucius Malfoy that he has forgotten his wand and I'll go run after him, but instead I'll leave the manor with whoever shows up. It's risky and very dangerous, but it's all I have. I'm dying to see you Remus, the thought of your face is what helps me through the days. I miss you more than ever.



PS: give this to Draco's owl, I'm not allowed any mail.

My jaw practically drops to the floor.

Sirius walks into my room, confused by my expression. "You alright Moony? What's the matter?" He questions, eyeing the letter on my hand.

I tilt my head up, sigh. "My girlfriend's an absolute genius." I breathe. Sirius' expression doesn't change, but again, he knew she was brilliant.

"And?" He waves his hand as if to say 'continue.'

"And I'm an ass." I groan, letting my body relax on the seat underneath me. I can feel the stress building up in my bones.

Sirius sighs, places a hand on my shoulder. "Look mate, you need to relax. You mentioned it already, Sana is extremely intelligent, she'll be okay. I don't take it she needs you as her knight all the time. Lay off on the stress Remus, I'm sure she'd be asking of you the same as I am if, she was here."

I raise my eyebrows, grin a tad. "Wow Padfoot, you've impressed me. I didn't know you had that many words in your little mutt heart."

"Sod off."

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