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Sana's pov

"Sana, oh my god are you alright? Merlin, I was so worried about you! What did they do to you?" Hermione hurries to comfort me as I walk into the castle. I fall into her soft arms, letting all my tears flow. 

"They want me to work for him Hermione." My lips quiver, I try to tell her as much as I can without catching other people's attention. She says nothing, simply acknowledges my words. 

"That's horrible, do you have it? Y'know.. the mark?" She asks. I shake my head, "No, they want me to complete something before they turn me." I sob. She plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Who has to complete what?" A soothing voice appears from behind Hermione's back. Lupin catches my eye, notices my tears. "What happened?" He turned to Hermione, hoping for an answer. "She'll have to tell her yourself Professor." He nods and takes my hand.

He hurried across the halls quickly, not saying anything, not wanting to catch any student's attention. 

He placed me in his couch, my head was resting on his lap, he was drawing little shapes on my head with his fingers, "What happened at the Malfoys, love?" He questions. I look up at him and tell him everything, from them taking Madi, to wanting to turn me into a death eater. 

"Hey, hey darling look at me. You'll be fine, in no circumstances am I going to let anything happen to you. The holidays are coming, stay at mine. Do whatever he asks and I'll make sure you're safe." He lifted my chin up with his index finger, making sure I look at him. 

I nodded and lifted myself up in order to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist tenderly, kissing my head as he whispers, "You'll be okay, I promise." 

I smiled, Remus dried my tears with his thumb and cups my cheek, then connects my lips with his. I kiss back almost instantly. I find myself falling asleep on his lap. 


Remus' pov 

I walked over to the headmaster's office quickly, afraid of what he might have to say. I twisted the door handle and walked in slowly. 

"Good evening Remus." He greets me ever so kindly, my mind goes back to when he'd do the same, except I'd be in here for something Sirius or James did. "Evenin' headmaster." I greet him back with a warm and welcoming smile. 

"I assume you know what you're here for?" I gulp, looking down at the floor. "Did the wolfsbane potion work?" I sigh in relief, for a second I thought me and Sana were about to get caught. "Yes sir, it did work." I assure, thanking him for the potion. 

It sure did help, it reduced the pain and without it I might have almost ripped Sirius' head apart again. "Well I'm glad, I asked Snape to brew you some more." He voiced, smiling and dangling the potion. He hands it to me. 

"Thank you sir." 

"Anytime Remus. I remember your first full moon, it was not the prettiest sight to see." He chuckled. I'd almost forgotten how much he helped in the first couple of days. I laugh, "I was just a novice." 

"That's all I had to say. I hope you enjoy your holidays Remus." He speaks, patting me on the arm. "Likewise."

I make my way out the door, but he stopped me. "Before I forget, do keep her safe." He pleads, I decide to play dumb. "Keep who safe?" 

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