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Sana's pov

"Listen to me Sana, you don't have to do this." Draco whispered. He lied, of course. We both knew that wasn't true. 

I shivered at the cold atmosphere of the Malfoy Manor. I most certainly did not miss it here. This house always gave me the chills, guess its time to pay up for my expectations. again. 

"Draco?" I muttered cautiously. His he'd shot up, nodding in my direction. "What's your task?"

He hesitated, took a step back. One could see his worry from miles away. "I have to kill Dumbledore." 

My eyes met his in surprise. "You have to what?!" I whisper-yelled, being careful not to shout too loud. I didn't want anyone hearing us and coming outside. 

But I guess I couldn't really blame him. Voldemort is in fact a threat to all of us, I can't imagine what he would to do him if he failed. 

"I know what you're thinking Sana, but it's not the worst part." 

"Then tell me. Tell me what's worse than having to kill one of the only wizards who actually stand a chance on beating him? " 

"You really want to know huh?" He raised his voice, kissed his teeth. "Well how about the fact that killing Dumbledore would not only break my heart, but would break Potter's heart. And I'd have to do it in front of his eyes too." 

I gulped. "Since when do you care about Harry?" 

"Since he's been sleeping with your best friend. Honestly Sana, why do you think I got with a chick like Astoria? Harry hates me already, he's gonna hate me even more." 

"Hey, hey don't say that Draco." I pulled him into a hug, let him sob into my shoulder as I rubbed his back soothingly. 

"You know." I chuckled. "You're the type of boy that has all the fourth years drooling for you, not very 'Draco' of you to cry over a boy like Potter huh?"

He smiled sadly. "I guess."

"Plus if he hurts you, I'll kick his ass." I winked. 

He rolled his eyes. "Fuck off, you couldn't hurt a squirrel Sana." 

I faked offence. "Shut up I could totally kick his ass."

"Plus he's totally into you." I muttered playfully, sending him an approving smile. "What did you just say?" He questioned, eyes glimmering with possibility. 

I shrugged and turned away. Draco turned me back around. "Sana he's dating your best friend, how the fuck is he into me you dimwit."

"I might've overheard a conversation he had with Hermione. Draco he's head over heels for you, you just need to give him some time to figure it out." 

"You do realise you're saying this after I caught you in bed with your teacher right?" He laughed, smirking. 

"Ex teacher" I corrected smugly. "But that's a story for another time, let's head inside shall we?" I smiled, holding my hand out. "We shall."

I smiled, his words sending memories of the night of the ball with Remus right back into my head. 


"Ah, Sana. Draco. I was wondering when you two would show up." Voldemort hissed, literally. He stretched his bony hand and gestured for us to take a seat with the others. 

I took a seat next to Snape. Snape, who was supposed to be Remus' friend. My boyfriend's friend is a death eater, but apparently so am I. 

Draco sat next to his father hesitantly, his posture so straight one could say he was paralysed

"Now, before I could ask anything of you, I must do this." The bald wizard grabbed me by the arm, pulling up my sleeve and digging his wand deep into my skin. 

The pain was absurd. I let out shrieking screams as I looked at the black tattoo forming in my arm before me. 

Voldemort, on the other hand, found my pain quite amusing.

Torturing helpless wizards is the perfect idea of fun, according to him anyway. 

He finished with the slightest of laughs, watched as my face squirmed in agony and gripped my wrists tightly. 

"Before your little coven of witches come save you, I'm going to give you your task." I swallowed a hard lump on my throat. 

"I've been studying you for months now, White. You will have to nothing less than kill your little wolf boyfriend. He's important to you, so he's important to us. Only then will you have my trust. Fail to do so and I'll kill you, him, and your fugitive friend Madeline just for fun" He spoke smugly. 

I felt like I could crumble upon hearing those words. How can someone be so cruel as to order someone to kill the most important person in their life. 

As much as they were surprised, no one said a thing. No one moved an inch. They were all afraid of the wizard in front of them.

How could they not be? He threatens them into serving him. 

He's a monster. 

A sick, evil, cruel and disgusting monster. 

A part of me told me to run away, let Remus live his life without remembering me. It would be so much easier, but the guilt would consume me. 

It would eat me alive and I'd wake up with the reminder that I gave up on the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. 

If I were to run away, he'd come with me. 

"Look at you, so pathetically petrified." He spat, an evil smirk painted on his face. "But don't worry, you could say I got you a 'good luck' charm. And perhaps I forgot to mention that she's also on the 'kill list.'" He muttered coldly, gesturing to Wormtail. 

"She?" I whispered, but the man heard me. 

But before he could say anything Wormtail brought out a woman from what looked like a dungeon. 

She was completely covered in dust, dirt, you name it. She wore a dress, although it was all ripped up. She looked completely destroyed.

"Please no more, please don't hurt me again." The woman whimpered, but her face lightened up when she met mine. Wormtail released her from his grip.

She limped over to me as fast as she could, holding my face in absolute shock. I'm sure I've seen her before, she looked all too familiar.

And that's when it hit me, that behind all of the dust and sweat this woman was someone I thought I lost two years ago. 


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