Chapter 41

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Kageyama and Hinata reached the hotel to find Daichi and Sugawara sitting in the hotel lobby. The grey-haired guy ran up to Hinata and hugged him. "Oh, you're back. I was so worried". Hinata hugged him back and assured him that he was safe.

"Daichi-san, I thought Kuroo-san told you that we'd be out late", Kageyama spoke to Daichi.

"Yeah well, he did... but we were still worried. You're in a new place after all" he let out a few nervous chuckles and rubbed the back of his neck. "And Suga won't let me sleep without making sure you're back"

"Is Kenma and Kuroo-san back?", Hinata asked.

"Yeah, they came about 5 minutes ago"

Hinata and Kageyama nodded.

"Anyway, you better go to your room and sleep. We'll take off from here tomorrow early in the morning", Daichi said, "we'll first go to Nekoma, drop these people there... have an hour of rest and then we'll head to Miyagi".

He noticed their grim expression. "I'm really sorry, but we can't stay here forever, right?". They just gave him another room and went back to their room.

After spending a whole day roaming on the streets of Tokyo, which also included some really hard crying... they couldn't helo but fall asleep as soon as they rested on their bed. Hinata laid on Kageyama's chest and drifted off to sleep in no time. So did Kageyama under his boyfriend's comfortable weight.


Kenma and Kuroo decided to spend their night awake. "I wanna make every second count", Kuroo had said to him.

He took his phone and browsed through some songs, and finally played one. He extended his hand to Kenma, inviting him in for a dance. "But I can't dance", Kenma whined. "You don't have to dance, just come here", Kuroo grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

🎶We spent some time together walking
Spent some time just talking
About who we were
You held my hand so very tightly
And told me what we could be
Dreaming of🎶


He secured a hand around his waist and intertwined one with his'. Kenma laid his head on Kuroo's chest and one hand on his shoulder. He glanced into Kuroo's phone to see that he had a whole playlist prepared for this time. "With him", the name read.

They spent their night dancing together, it first started with romantic slow dancing. Which eventually converted into some insane party dancing, as if they were drunk. And when they were tired of all the jumping on the bed, they sat on the balcony admiring the night sky again. Kenma in Kuroo's lap... They concluded their last night by entering into the morning, with a beautiful sunrise.

Date: 7th January
Time: 7:30 AM

Nishinoya was their alarm clock. Almost every morning, he'd go door to door and knock on it till someone wakes up and opens it. That wasn't because he liked to wake up early, but because he liked to annoy people.

But that day, he didn't have the look of joy when he saw people's irritating morning faces. And they weren't even irritated... because that day was the last day of their trip.

In fact, most of them were awake by the time he reached their doors. They were either sitting on their beds or packing their luggage.

"8, we move at 8", he told everyone in a sad voice.

They got dressed and dragged themselves downstairs. Even Daichi wasn't trying to uplift the mood. No one wanted this trip to end, these were probably the best 5 days of their lives, but they knew it had to end someday...

None of them, except Daichi and Sugawara, knew about Kageyama and Hinata, and Kuroo and Kenma. So they kept passing them pity looks, which were responded with faint sad smiles.

They didn't need to be told to get on the bus. They boarded it as soon as it arrived and took their regular setas. It saddened them to think how they won't be sharing the same bus as their friend-enemy school tomorrow. And how they'd have to go back to their normal lives.

For the first time, Kageyama wasn't afraid to show his affection in public. He sat beside Hinata and locked his arms around his waist, resting his chin on his head. Everyone naturally got the idea of what was happening... and seeing that Suga wasn't panicking confirmed to them that Kageyama was indeed Hinata's soulmate.

Kenma and Kuroo sat, as usual, sharing earphones and snicker bars. But what no one was able to see was they were holding hands in the small gap between their seats. Kenma was trying hard not to let those tears roll down.

🎶I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head🎶

The bus ride was unusually quiet. Even the driver kept throwing a few glances at his back, making sure they were alright.

In about 45 minutes, they reached Nekoma high and deboarded the bus. They requested the driver to give them a break for an hour to relax their legs. And then, they'd head back to Miyagi.

Kuroo immediately gave Hinata's volleyball back, which was locked in their sports room. Hinata hugged his ball like it was his lost child and muttered a few "baby, I love you... I missed you so much".

The rest of them sat wherever they could find someplace. Under the tree, along the walls, on the benches... 

[Word Count - 937]

A/N - And the next chapter would be the last... (Epilogue basically)

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