Chapter 24

149 19 82

Date: 4th January

Kenma's narration

I ain't that dumb that I'd hold someone's hand and not realize it. Yeah, I took his hand by mistake but I realized it the very next second, and I didn't leave it. Why? I don't know.

He was the first person after Hinata with whom I held hands. Or for that matter, talked this much. It somehow feels like I've known him since forever. Also, he can hum to my favorite song, so that's a plus. Sharing my earphones with him is peaceful. It feels good.

I don't wanna repeat the same mistake. Well, I won't call Hinata a mistake, that'd be very wrong. I just don't want to repeat all of that. I can see myself feeling the same things again. I DO NOT WANT TO REPEAT THAT.

But, there's just something about him that feels strangely close. It- it feels like he knows how I behave, in and out, and he doesn't get irritated by me being an anti-social bitch ass. He even placed my order..!!

I don't know when he realized that he was holding my hand, but that felt very comfortable. Honestly, I didn't want him to let go. It felt good after so long. I'm feeling like myself after so long.

I was still in my senses when he thought I was deep asleep. I could see him offering me the cookies, but I was just too tired to move and take one, so I kept pretending that I'm asleep. (also, I was kinda trying to avoid him I guess.)

I felt the soft blanket covering me, and how he tugged it near my shoulder to keep it from falling. I could feel a soft hand brushing my hair off my face, (that really helped, those hair strands were irritating me).

"How are his hands so soft even after playing so much volleyball?", I wondered. He was staring at me, I knew it. It was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. But at the same time, I didn't want him to take his eyes off me. It was very hard not to smile. I fully closed my eyes, but I could sense that his eyes were still on me.

I wanted to look back, have a staring competition and use it as an excuse to read all his features. I never saw him up close, I really wanted to. But I knew exactly what the consequences would be. I couldn't go through it again.

Also, I'm super bad at human emotions. But I hope it didn't hurt him when I said I didn't like stupid nicknames. In all honesty, I didn't mind him calling me that. In fact, it was great, the feeling of being pampered. I still don't understand why he froze like that at the end.

Kuroo's narration

Yeah, so the thing is, I wanted to hold his hand. I'll admit it. I extended my hand on purpose..!! I wanted to feel how holding his thin, soft, and little fingers felt. BUT I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO TAKE IT..!! KDIUGFSBODH

I never held hands with anyone before. That was my first time. Does that mean my hand is not a virgin anymore?? Oh my god..!! I lost my hand's virginity to a cute guy, no regrets haha.

It felt good okay. Very good. The fact that I was the taller and bigger person there didn't change the fact that I felt soooooo safe holding his hand. I'm not sure if that's the case with everyone, because that was my first time. But I wanna do it again. I'm not sure if he wants the same, and I don't wanna force anything you know.

I'll never understand his snicker bar obsession, but I know I'll buy him all the snickers in the world if he asked me. That guy looks like a baby when he tries to fill his pockets with as many chocolate bars as he can..!! It's just the 3rd day of being with him, but it feels like we've been staying together for the past 10 years. How? Why? I... don't know.

I hesitantly took the cookie packet, I wasn't sure if he'd be okay sharing his food, but then I remembered him offering me chocolates. I took one and extended the packet towards him. He didn't react. "Why isn't he taking any? Is he mad about me eating his cookies? Does he have any special attachment to his cookies?"

Almost scared that I finally ruined everything that was built, I turned my head to the side, and what I saw made all of my anxiety melt away in a mere fraction of a second. He was sleeping, a very cute sleep.

His face was still very unreadable, but peaceful. I wanted to take a good look at him, I've never been this curious about anyone, but he was different.

I liked the way he smelled. Uhm, like whipped cream..!! I didn't mind wrapping my blanket around him, because I'd love my blanket to smell like him..!!

But the things he does and says all feel very familiar. Strange. I don't know, maybe I'm just being naive, but could it be? Could it be that he's the one I talk to through my diary?

I mean:

1) Initials K
2) A huge introvert
3) Same fav song
4) Doesn't like nicknames
5) Not too tall
6) Life = gaming
7) On a trip
8) Has a very talkative roommate (could be me)

Okay Kuroo, mental note, ask Kou where exactly did his school take him on the trip. Ugh, this should've been the first thing to ask. Why am I so dumb..!!

It wasn't a very long drive from our hotel (near Tokyo skytree) to our next destination, which is Sensoji temple. It was just an intermediate destination so that we have something to spend our day at. The real surprise awaited all of them in the evening..!!

[Word Count - 984]

A/N - Guess what's the "real surprise" Kuroo's talking about..!! 

so, if you haven't noticed yet... I created a playlist of all the songs that are/will be mentioned in the book..!! You can find it somewhere near on my MB... or just PM me, I'll share the link. also, join the discord server if you wanna..!! The link to it will be in my bio. 

Okay, just a daily reminder that I ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY LOVE YOU..!! ❤✨
and you're a precious person to me ❤ so if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'M HERE..!!


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