Chapter 13

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Without even realizing it, Kageyama had dozed off. He woke up to his mother's loud voice calling him downstairs for dinner. "COOMMIINNGGGG", he responded. He quickly changed his school uniform that he had slept in, and glanced at the watch. 7:46 PM. "I sure slept a lot"

"TOBIO, ARE YOU COMING DOWN, OR SHOULD I DRAG YOU FROM YOUR ROOM?", it was his sister's voice. He ran down the stairs and managed not to roll down. He ate lesser than usual and gave an excuse that he was just tired from all the practice and wanted to sleep. But in reality, it was an excess amount of cookies and milk which he couldn't have told them.

He made his way into his room and stared at the nightstand. "Nightstand, what if I keep you out of my room? Where will the diary appear then?", he said to the nightstand and waited for a reply. It didn't come. "Okay, you've chosen violence"

He pushed the nightstand out of his room and kept it in a spare room just beside his. "Don't mind, just an experiment", he patted the stand and left the room.

He didn't know what to do with the rest of his time, till it struck 12 and Hinata called him... so he did a bunch of random things. He pulled a random novel his sister has suggested him to read, and tried reading it, but that wasn't entertaining at all. He finished his maths homework in about 1 hour and 30 minutes (which was mostly wrong).

Finally, when he was out of things to do, he dragged his chair to the window and stared at the night sky for what it felt like forever. He lost the track of time, counting the red cars that passed on the nearby street. The next time he checked the time, it was already 11:54 PM.

His eyes locked on the screen, waiting for Hinata's call. He eagerly wanted to know Hinata's diary status... and hear his voice.





"Tangerine calling...", Before even 3 rings, he picked up the call.

"OYE KAGEYAMA, YOU'RE GONNA BE 16..!!", no hello, no hi, that was just how they started their conversations.

"Oh yeah? Thanks for telling me, I didn't know", Kageyama mocked. Hinata's voice was his serotonin boost.


"Okay okay okay, just a minute more..!!", Hinata said trying to maintain his enthusiastic voice. "Make a wish Kageyama, be quick"

Kageyama was silent for the next few seconds. "I wish Hinata to be my soulmate", that's what he asked for.

"Bakayama? Are you dead? What did you wish for?? Tell me, tell me"

"BOKE!! Don't you know wishes don't come true if we tell them..??!! I ain't telling you shit..!!", Kageyama shouted on the call. He didn't intend to, but that came naturally to him.

Date: 22nd December
Time: 12:00

Hinata screamed at the top of his lungs, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAAGGEEYYAAMMMAAA..!!", that made Kageyama blush. He loved talking to Hinata, but he'd never in his life accept that.

"Thanks, dumbass", Kageyama replied with a little smile. Usually, Hinata would continue the conversation, but then he felt quiet. After a good 6-10 seconds of no response, Kageyama spoke up again, "Hinata? Now, are you dead?"

"Huh? No no no, I'm well and alive. I just didn't know what to say", Hinata said hastily.

"He didn't have a topic to extend the convo? Is he alright?", Kageyama wondered.

He then talked about some absolutely random things, just because he didn't want to stop hearing Hinata's voice. Volleyball, milk, cookies, blue color, baby birds on the tree near his volleyball court, the fact that animals don't like him much, clouds, and much more. This was the first time he was the one attempting to keep the call going.

After around 45 minutes, Kageyama let out a yawn. "You should sleep, it's pretty late... and you gotta go to school tomorrow..!!", Hinata said.

"I can't sleep until I get my answers", Kageyama thought to himself.

"And moreover, you'll also be getting your diary tomorrow..!! Yaay to that..!!", Hinata said when he got no response from the other side. "You gotta try it out too, haha... tell me everything about it okay?-", he was about to say a few more things when Kgayama cut him.

"Did you get any messages yet?", he asked abruptly.

"N-no, not yet", Hinata's voice suddenly fell down the sinkhole.

"Oh, okay", Kageyama was relieved. But at the same time, he felt terrible for bringing it up. "I'm sorry, I had to", he didn't let those words slip out of his mouth.

"Okay then, GO SLEEP", Hinata said in a stern voice. He was trying hard not to let the disappointment be clear.

"Good night, Boke"

"Good night, Kageyama"

Time: 6:16 AM
Place: Kageyama's bedroom

Kageyama had removed the nightstand last night. So his diary appeared right beside his pillow, on his bed. He opened his eyes to see a diary right in front of his eyes, and he let out a little scream in surprise. He rubbed his eyes and picked up the diary, and stared at it for a few minutes with an expression of disgust. "So this is how this sneaky diary come up to those who don't have a nightstand"

He left his room and dragged the nightstand back to its place. Kageyama dropped the diary on his desk and went to school. He didn't want the first thing on his birthday to be writing in that diary (and possibly get disappointed).

"HEY, BIG GUY..!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY", Kuroo waved both of his hands in the air and said that loudly to get noticed by Kageyama who was around 300 meters away.

Kageyama leisurely walked to Kuroo and thanked him.

"So, what about the diary dude?? Tell me..!!"

"Nothing about the diary Kuroo-san. I left it on my desk... I don't wanna write"

"Oh, I understand", Kuroo said. He indeed understood. It wasn't easy to face the truth when you've been wishing for something else for a long time. Yes, the truth and your wish may align, but what if it doesn't?

Kuroo tried his best not to bring the diary topic again and keep Kageyama's birthday as fun as possible. That day, they went to have pork buns after the practice and the treat was on Kageyama. "Kuroo-san, you know I don't want to socialize", he kept saying this to Kuroo...

After a successful try at socializing, Kuroo and Kageyama headed back to their home. At the fork of the road where they had to part their ways, Kuroo just Kageyama an encouraging thumbs up and went away.

Kageyama reached his room to see the diary lying on the desk just as he left it. He picked it up and stared at it for a few more minutes.

"Not today", he tossed it to the dest again.

[Word Count - 1146]

A/N- there you go, two chapters in a day..!!
also, on a side note.... I think I have a big bug in my room... and I'm not able to find it. It's irritating me

Also also, please. Here...
A shout-out to my bestie ❤️ who is incredibly talented with their OCs, and their book totally deserves more attention..!! Please go give it a read ❤️
CaptainHanjisan ❤️

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