Chapter 39

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Kuroo kept his arm wrapped around Kenma's shoulder because he knew how uncomfortable people made him feel, and he wanted to make him feel safe. They walked in silence for most of the part, apart from Kuroo occasionally telling Kenma random facts about stars and clouds.

Kenma didn't know it, but Kuroo had already booked them a table in the restaurant. A pretty reputed multi-cuisine restaurant. One of the waiters led them to their table in the corner most space. He smiled at them and said, "hope you have a nice time", he passed a menu card, "please decide what you wanna order, we'll send a waiter to you soon", and then he left.

"Kuroo" Kenma called, "would you mind sitting with me here?", he patted the empty space beside him. Kuroo felt stupid for sitting on the opposite side. He wordlessly left his seat and joined Kenma.

Kenma scooted as close as possible and then dug into the menu. "Apple pies", he pointed at a list of about 10 different types of apple pies and smiled. "This one looks nice...", he laid his finger on "Cranberry Apple Pie", "I'll take this", he told Kuroo. And Kuroo decided to order some sushi for himself.

The waiter was taking forever to attend to them.


Kageyama and Hinata walked into a restaurant that was bubbling with people. It was so full that Hinata couldn't even see 4 tiles ahead of him. But since Kags was taller, he got on the tip of his toes to scan the restaurant for an empty seat.

"You should've let me book a table, Baka..!!", Hinata scoffed.

"Aye, it's okay. We'd have to wait for like 15 minutes... it'll be empty in no time", Kageyama said. He felt like he found an empty table, but then saw a familiar person sitting there. Familiar hair actually.

"Why is he sitting all alone?", he muttered in a low voice.

"Kageyama, is everything okay?", Hinata asked. Kageyama didn't answer but dragged Hinata with him to the end of the restaurant.

"Whaaaaa are you-", Hinata bumped into a customer, "doing-", another, "Bakayama?"

When Tobio felt like he was at enough distance that the person could hear him, he waved his hand up and said a little loudly, "Kuroooooo-saaannn, what are you doing here all alo-"

And then he regretted coming to this restaurant in the very first place. "Shit. I'm sorry. I- I didn't know you had company", he noticed the other guys sitting in Kuroo's shade. He was so shrunk low into the seat that he wasn't visible from a distance.

But it was too late. Kageyama felt Hinata's grip getting tighten on his hand. And Kuroo had an expression of horror on his face. He looked at Hinata who was staring at Kenma with an absolutely neutral face. He wasn't sad, angry, happy, or anything. And the other guy looked the same.

Both Kuroo and Kageyama had their hearts pounding against their chest so hard that they could hear their heartbeat. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit". Never did they think this would ever happen.

Kenma stood up all of a sudden, eyes still locked on Hinata. "Kuroo, could you give us a moment, please? And take Kageyama with you, I'd appreciate that", his voice sounded more monotonous than usual, if that was possible.

"I- uh, yeah... sure", he looked at Kageyama, and Kags looked at Hinata. Hinata nodded and loosened his grip on his hand.

Kageyama scooted down and kissed Hinata's cheek. "We'll be right outside okay, gimme a call if you need me". Hinata just nodded again.

Kuroo swiftly gave Kenma a tight hug and said, "you got this Kou".

He tapped on Kageyama's shoulder and said, "let's go, buddy, I gotta catch you up on stuff too", and they left the hotel, leaving Hinata and Kenma behind.

Hinata sat on the opposite side of the table. They kept staring at each other for a good 3-5 minutes before Kenma came to a conclusion that Hinata won't speak unless he does first.

"Hey", he said in a soft voice, with a little smile.

"Hey, Kenma", Hinata's neutral expression eased into a peaceful slight smile. "H- how are you holding up?", he asked.

Kenma looked down at his hands. "To be honest, I'm doing pretty great actually...", he said. He didn't want to hurt Hinata anymore, but he didn't want to lie either. "It has been more than 6 months, I'm sure he has moved on", he thought to himself.

Hinata's smile widened a little more, "I'm happy for you"

"How are you, bub?", he asked Hinata.

"He still calls me that...", Hinata thought to himself. He felt as if his heart had shrunk down... he couldn't figure out what he was feeling...

"I'm doing good too". It was getting increasingly awkward. But they knew they had to talk it out someday.

"So Uhm, Kageyama huh?", Kenma said, trying to get out of the awkward silence.

"Yeah well, turns out he's my soulmate..!!", Hinata replied enthusiastically.

Kenma noticed that he didn't feel sad about it. If anything, he was genuinely happy that Hinata had broken out of his break-up phase.

"I know you aren't foolish enough to date a *non-soulmate* again. So I'm guessing it's Kuroo-san?", he smiled at Kenma. It was the kind one gives to their friend when their crush is around.

"Uh-hmm", there it was, Kenma's rare smile, that'd lit up even a stranger's day. "You might have heard it from the team, I got a reply to the message I wrote on your birthday. And then Daichi-san pushed me to write more... so I did", he brushed his hair out of his face, "and I don't regret it. I didn't expect it, but my soulmate is actually very nice".

For the very first time, the mention of that day didn't hurt any of them. It went smoothly. As if that was any other day in their lives. No doubt they'd always have a special place for each other in their hearts, but that no longer hurt. That no longer felt bothersome or painful. They reached a point where they could respect what they had, and not let it take the best of them.

Kenma asked Hinata to tell him more about how they found out that they were soulmates, and Hinata recited the whole story to him.

The waiter came to them asking if they had decided yet or not, they asked for a few more minutes.

Then Kenma told Hinata everything that had happened over the course of the trip. It felt as if two best friends were catching up after a long time. And that felt good. Better than anything they had ever had.

In the meanwhile, Kuroo told Kageyama about the whole thing, and the other boy shot a few curses at him. Saying he should've told it sooner. But then Kuroo pointed out how Kags didn't tell him on the first day, and then they were neutral. They were constantly worrying about what might be happening in the restaurant.

"I'll call Kageyama now", Hinata pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Else the restaurant people would kick us out for sitting for so long and not ordering anything" they laughed.

"Double date then", Kenma said. Hinata agreed gladly.

Kageyama panicked when he got a call from Hinata, but then he relaxed when he heard Hinata's cheerful voice.

They had a not-so-awkward-yet-very-much-so double date... and then, they parted their ways.

Although their destination was the same, (that is, the hotel), they decided on going separate ways. To have that one last night walk. 

[Word Count - 1262]

A/N - Heads up, the next chapters are overwhelmingly wholesome..!! and our book is nearing its end :((

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