Chapter 18

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Date: 2nd Jan
Time: 5:34 PM
Place: Kuroo and Kenma's room

One word - awkward. They didn't know each other much. All they knew was Kenma was an amazing setter and Kuroo put out some unbreakable blocks. Kenma wasn't from the people who talk much. On the contrary, Kuroo was an outgoing extrovert. He even tried talking to his roommate once or twice, but that didn't work. Kenma would give short-cutting answers, and get back to his video games.

They had their lunch, Kuroo sat on his bed looking out of the window, wondering what the others might be doing and Kenma was busy on his phone. First Kuroo thought of hanging out with other people, but then he remembered that he hasn't updated his soulmate on anything that happened today, so he took out his diary.

He looked at Kenma for a second, (who was busy on his phone) as if it'd be rude to talk to his soulmate with someone else's presence in the room. But he went with it anyway.

Roo: heeyyy kit-kat

Kuroo waited for around 5 minutes, but no reply came. He went out of the room strolling around the hallways. He saw that all the Karasunos were asleep, apart from Hinata, who was talking with Kageyama very enthusiastically. He didn't want to talk to his teammates because well, he had had enough of them. So he returned to him and flopped on his bed.

"Uh, hey"

He heard a soft voice calling. He looked up to see Kenma's face, half-covered by his double-toned hair. "Yeah hey, do you need anything?", he asked very politely. "No, Uhm, I was just wondering if you could show me the vending machine". Kuroo was more than happy to show him the vending machine. That's at least better than laying on the bed and getting bored. "Oh yeah, why not..!! Let's go".

They grabbed their jackets and made their way out of the room.

Kuroo wanted to talk. He wasn't used to staying quiet for so long..!! He felt like he should give it another try, and he said, "so, I heard what happened between you and Hinata", and he instantly regretted saying this. "Who brings up break-up as an opener??!! Kuroo, WTF??!!" he thought to himself. 

"Hmm yeah, I didn't imagine the news would make it to Tokyo", replied Kenma, in the same calm, still keeping his head down.

"Oh no no, no. Kageyama told me. You know Hinata is his best friend." Kuroo said instantly. Kenma looked up at him and just gave him a little smile and continued to stare at the path again. "Did he- did he just... smile?".

"So how are you holding things up?? It must be hard..." said Kuroo, genuinely concerned. With the same monotone, Kenma replied "yeah, it was hard at first. I thought I'd be the one losing my shit. But it turns out it's Hinata. All of this is 100 times harder on him than me. I'm doing fine now though, thanks for asking". With that, they reached the vending machine.

Kenma bought a few snicker bars, more than a single person would, and stuffed them in his coat pockets. Kuroo patiently waited for him to get done with whatever he wanted. On their way back to their room, Kenma pulled out a snicker bar from his coat and extended it towards Kuroo, "want some??", "yeah sure".

After a few seconds, Kenma said "you know, I don't usually share my chocolates. Or talk about my breakup", and let out a little laugh. "What pleasure have I owned sir?", asked Kuroo jokingly. "It's just that, I figured we'd have to stick together for the whole trip. People have already chosen their pairs you see".

They reached their warm room, talked about the only common topic they had, that is volleyball. Kenma told a little more about his breakup, he started to realize that talking to Kuroo did not feel weird at all. When he was finally tired of talking and occasionally laughing, he pulled up his blankets over his head, switched on his phone light, and drew his diary out of the bag. He saw the message.

Kou: I told you not to call me by that name.

Kuroo felt like he should check his diary once again since it has been a considerable amount of time. And he found the message.

Roo: I'm not gonna stop calling you that.

Kou: Okay yeah whatever. Bugass.

Roo: ouch. That's a totally new word.

Kou: haha, yeah. How's your day going?

Roo: Great actually, what about you?

Kou: same. My school brought me on this trip.

Roo: SAME DUDE..!!

Kou: Yeah, schools do this in the winter. Why can't they just be at home and sleep?

Roo: But you said your day was going great?

Kou: But my roommate makes me talk..!! And being home is better anyway.

"'But my roommate makes me talk'", Kuroo turned towards Kenma to see that he's packed in his blankets. "No, it can't be. Looks like he's sleeping"

Roo: Maybe you should try talking to them now. Is it a boy?

Kou: Yes, it's a boy. Why? Are you jealous or something?

Roo: pfft, NOOOOO. I don't get jealous.

Kou: This guy made me laugh though. He isn't that bad.

Roo: Let's exchange roommates already..!! Mine doesn't talk much.

Kenma peaked out of his blankets to see what Kuroo was doing. He saw him sitting on his bed, smiling at his diary. "Not this rooster head. Please. But he said his roommate doesn't talk... I don't talk either... oh there are a lot of people who don't talk. Shut up stupid brain". And then he went back into his cave.

Just then Daichi knocked on the door and both of them were startled. "Oh, I'm sorry didn't mean to startle you", and then he looked at Kuroo, "But I think it's time we serve dinner". Kuroo nodded, dropped his diary on the bed, and walked away with Daichi. "Kenma, come downstairs in 15 minutes, okay? For dinner..!!". Kenma, who was packed in blankets, gave an affirmative nod.

Kenma looked at the diary, laying on the bed. He looked at his diary, and suspiciously wrote, "yeah, I'd love to". It didn't turn red. He waited for a while and wrote again, "Are you there??". Still no. "where are you??". Nope. But he saw that Kuroo's diary has started glowing faintly.

He had a crippling urge to open Kuroo's diary and check with his suspicion. But being a civilized human, he decided not to and went downstairs. He made a mental note to ask Roo where his school took him for the trip.

[Word Count - 1113]

A/N - okay people, I'm speed posting from today onwards... like 2-3 chapters per day. I'm getting really desperate to share the whole story with you. I don't like keeping it in my Google docs. So yeah..!! 

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