Chapter 1

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Since Kenma was a year senior to Hinata, they could only meet during their lunch breaks and volleyball practices. So how did they meet if they had a year gap? AT THE VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE..!!

Kenma saw him for the first time when Hinata came running and tripping into the practice room, back then, he didn't think of him much. But as time passed by, and they spent more and more time together, practicing, having breaks, and stuff, Kenma realized how free and liberated he felt with Hinata (which he didn't feel with anyone else.).

Although being an introvert (well, an introvert would still be an understatement for him), he could open up to Hinata with ease. Kenma would usually prefer video games over humans, but that one fluffy orange-haired boy was an exception.

As the day approached, both of them were equally worried... but they kept putting on a firm face so that the other wouldn't get more worried than they already were. The fact that everything was either gonna fall apart or get stronger was unimaginably scary, but they both knew that they couldn't run from it any longer.

Date: 20th June
In real life

Location - school
Time - after school (sometime in the afternoon)

Hinata ran out of his class and made his way to Kenma's, just to find out that he had already left. They usually walked home together, it was their routine...

Hinata would meet Kenma at his class, and then they'd walk home together. He knew that Kenma was very upset because of all the notebook fuss, and so was he... but if his days with him were numbered, he didn't wanna waste even a single second.

He ran with his full speed to the volleyball court, he wasn't there either. "But he said let's talk tomorrow", Hinata thought to himself. With a heavy disappointed heart, he slugged his way out of the school.

Halfway through, he saw Kenma standing at the side of a road, aggressively trying to pull something out of his bag. He knew how upset Kenma was, without wasting any more time Hinata started running to Kenma, screaming "OOYYEEEE KEENNMMAAAA", at the top of his lungs.

Kenma got startled and said, "oh uh- i- Hi Hinata, I didn't see you coming". Hinata Instantly understood that something wasn't right, "what're you doing here? Why didn't you wait for me?".

"No it's nothing, I had a situation and it was urgent.", Kenma made an unsuccessful attempt to dodge. "What's in your bag?? Why are you so frustrated??", asked Hinata.

It was clearly visible that Kenma was hiding something. "It-it's nothing. Can you stop asking questions, and mind your own business for once??!!", said Kenma, his voice filled with annoyance.

A huge wave of realization, that he had just shouted at Hinata hit him hard when he saw tears pooling in his partner's eyes. With a ton of regret, he extended his hand towards Hinata, gesturing him to stop. But he was already on a move, walking away swiftly, wiping tears with the sleeves of his uniform.

With blurry eyes, Kenma chased behind Hinata to catch up with him and hung himself on his shoulders making him stop. They both froze there for a few seconds before Hinata turned to face Kenma and hugged him, burying his face into his boyfriend's neck.

"I- Shouyou, I'm sorry... I had no right to yell at you like that", he apologized. Hinata couldn't stay mad at him for too long, "It's okay Kozu, but I'm still very worried. That's not your usual behavior". Hinata was very worried. It wasn't normal for Kenma to act this way. "I'm here to listen to you honey, tell me what it is... we can talk it out", Hinata tried his best to assure him.

Kenma slightly pulled out of the hug to face Hinata and said "can we please go to my place??", to that, with all the love and concern Hinata answered, "we can go anywhere you want to" he planted a little assuring kiss on Kenma's forehead.

They made their way to Kenma's home, hand in hands, in total silence. Kenma's mother greeted Hinata with a smile, and he returned it back, then they went upstairs to his room. Kenma's room wasn't any new to Hinata, so he flopped on the bed and extended his arms inviting Kenma into a calm cuddles session.

After a while, Hinata looked at his boyfriend sleeping on his chest. He wondered how can someone be so cute..!! He didn't want to disturb him, but there were some important things to be talked about. "Hey, how are you feeling? Do you wanna talk about it??", he asked gently.

If it was in Kenma's hand, he'd probably never talk about it. It was just way too much. Yet he said, "uhmm ~ I'm feeling better now... it's gonna happen tomorrow, and I just can't keep my calm anymore. I tried throwing that notebook away, drowning it, burning it, cutting it to shreds... but it somehow ends up at the foot of my bed when I wake up the next morning. In perfect condition. It's almost eerie, but yeah, this is how it is.

"My mother saw me doing it a few times, walked into me while I was beating the shit out of this damn book... She told me many times that it's of no use, but I refused to believe it. I guess now I don't have any choice but to accept it as it comes."

Hinata knew all this. He knew there were great chances that they won't end up together, but he tried his best to comfort Kenma, "but... but what if I'm your soulmate? For real? That could happen too, right? We talked about it so many times, Kozu... We'll see whatever fate has in store for us. Or maybe we'll even be able to defy it?? Please don't be so disheartened, it's hard to see you this way."

Nothing was enough to put Kenma's mind at ease, but Hinata's words were a bit of comfort. He thought to himself "I wanna embrace every little fraction of the time that I have with this boy... no matter if it's just a few hours or my whole life", he laid his head on Hinata's chest and enjoyed all the warmth he could while his boyfriend ran his fingers through his hair, with occasional pecks on the head.

[Word Count - 1073]

A/N - yes!! I finally made a long chapter. omg, I'm so proud of myself..!! I'M A SUCKER FOR CUTE FANART... lemme know what do you feel about this chapter. suggestions and comments are most welcome ❤. All the other chapters would be more or less of the same size.

fun fact about my dumbass - I wrote almost 20 chapters in a different format, and then I realized that it's not at all engaging. So now I'm redoing them 😭. SEND HELP -

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