Chapter 23

140 22 100

Date: 4th Jan
Time: 8:30 PM

Everyone lined up in front of the hotel, waiting for their rented bus to arrive. Hinata and Kageyama were sort of ignoring each other. They weren't talking much, Hinata wasn't looking like a sunflower that he was just the day before.

Sugawara was always the first one to notice anything and everything that happened to his teammates or friends. He pulled Hinata aside and asked him if everything was alright, Hinata just passed a dry nod with a fake smile.

Everyone kept bugging the captains asking them what their net destination was, and yet they didn't disclose anything. "Why do you guys want to spoil your own surprise?? Stay calm..!! I assure you we won't take you home..!! Haha, there's a lot of trip remaining", Kuroo said, laughing.

Kuroo and Kenma were on talking terms now. Kenma kept telling him how he doesn't like to talk, but still never stopped talking.

After waiting for a while, the bus arrived and they all took their usual seats. Hinata didn't expect Kageyama to sit by his side, but he did. Tobio silently came and sat by Hinata, not fighting for the window seat, letting him have it. Hinata didn't even glance at him.

Kenma sat on a 2-seater and Kuroo followed him as expected. As soon as he sat, Kenma offered him one of the earphones, and he gladly took it.

🎶 It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile
All lit up and I start to smile
If I, catch fire then I change my aim
Throw my troubles at the pearly gates 🎶

This has become normal for them now. Again, Kenma kept reminding him that he was one of the rare people he talked to.

About 30 minutes of their journey passed by. The houses, the road, Tokyo's beauty, everything was new to the Karasunos. So even a pretty normal bus ride was interesting to them. Much to Noya's request, they took a break at a gas station. Hinata and Kageyama hadn't spoken a single word since the journey started.

They all brought some snacks at the gas station's little convenience store. "Kuroo, I'm out of my snicker bars. Get some for me?" Kenma requested, momentarily lifting his head up from the game.

"Come on, get out of the bus. Have some fresh air, we can buy whatever you wanna", Kuroo replied, while extending a hand towards his seat partner.

Subconsciously, Kenma took his hand and they made their way out of the bus. Everyone's eyes were on them.

"I'll take a soda, 6 snicker bars, and 2 cookie packets please", Kenma said to Kuroo, and Kuroo told the shopkeeper.

"Because I don't know the shopkeeper", was his answer when Kuroo asked him why he didn't buy his stuff himself.

Kuroo realized that they were holding hands when he had to pull out his wallet from the back pocket to pay. But he didn't bother letting go. On the other hand, Kenma was too busy on his phone to notice anything. He somehow managed to take out his wallet and pay with only one hand.

"Kenma, hold your snacks", Kuroo said. That was the first time Kenma looked up from his phone after they got out of the phone, and that was when he realized that he was holding hands with someone. The only person after Hinata with whom he held hands was this guy..!! The one with the rooster hair.

He blushed slightly (or at least, that's how it looked), let go of his hand, and took the snacks. He again dived deep into the video game that he paused.

"I brought you out to have some fresh air, not to stay in the same game..!!", Kuroo said and took away his phone by force. Kenma shot an annoyed look at him and started jumping all over trying to get his phone back which Kuroo was holding with his hand raised.

"You can never take it from me..!! I'm taller than you..!!", Kuroo said teasingly, "I'm around 6'2. What're you? 5'6?? Haha, forget about it shawty..!!"

"GIVE ME MYY PHHOONNEE BAACCKKKK", Kenma shouted. Wait, Kenma shouted?

Everyone had their attention on them, they were honestly scared. The last time they saw anything near to this was his breakup phase. But Kuroo was pretty unaffected. He still kept dodging his phone from one hand to another, calling him "shawty".

"Oh please- I don't need another stupid nickname..!! I already have one..!! Cut it out, gimme my phone..!! I don't like nicknames... KUROO PLEASE"

Kuroo froze for a while. "He has a stupid nickname, and he dislikes nicknames, and the first song in his playlist is Kou's fav. I- I'm just overthinking". And he gave his phone back.

The driver yelled from the inside, saying if they don't wanna be late they better hurry. So everyone got back into their seats, and once again Kenma was deep into his phone. He hung the snacks bag on the hook and took out a chocolate bar for himself.

After a while, Kuroo opened a cookies packet and held it to Kenma, offering him some. He wasn't looking at his side, but there was no movement. No denial or acceptance. When he turned his eyes towards the side, he saw that the other boy was fast asleep with his phone barely hanging on his fingertips.

Kuroo carefully took his phone and placed it in the bag. He covered Kenma with a thin soft blanket and lightly brushed his hair out of his face. He felt a calm smile creeping upon his face, "why am I smiling?", he questioned himself. Half of him said look away, but the other half held his gaze at the sleeping boy. 

[Word Count - 947]

A/N - I don't know why but I'm kinda insecure about this chapter? 

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