Chapter 17

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Date: 2nd Jan
Time: 12:23 PM
Place: Nekoma High

Everyone chose their partners, it was very interesting how most of them found their soulmates in the same team. Tanaka, Ennoshita, Kinoshita, Kuroo, and Kenma were the last ones to be left. Kiyoko was given a room of her own, and she told Daichi that she'd head back the next morning because she got an emergency call from her home. Tanaka got with Yamamoto from Nekoma, those two shared some scared bond. Chikara with Kinnoshita, and Kuroo with Kenma.

Kuroo had planned on going with Kageyama, but the other boy betrayed him and chose his crush instead. "Ugh, that was so obvious. I should've had a backup person..."

Kuroo and Kenma didn't know each other much. If it wasn't for frequent practice matches, they wouldn't even have remembered each other. But since they had no other choice, and everyone else was paired up, they had to stay together. (little did they know)

Afterward, they were given room keys and were instructed to collect their lunch parcels once they had freshened up. Kageyama and Hinata's was the corner one, with 2 windows and 2 beds. Kageyama's state of panic was getting higher and higher, he was almost regretting choosing his crush as his roommate. What'd happen if they discover that they're soulmates? What if Hinata starts hating him for being the reason for his breakup? Tons of questions started clouding his brain when Hinata started shaking him hard "KAAGGEEYYAAMMAAAAA, are you zoning out?? Why? What're you thinking about? Tell me, I wanna know. Are you thinking about volleyball?? Let's think together. Oh no wait, let's go play."

Hinata was talking non-stop, this made Kageyama let out a little laugh. A few seconds back his mind was occupied with questions and doubts, and now it was filled with Hinata's cuteness. They were told not to exhaust themselves, especially not to play volleyball. If any of them gets injured or anything, that'd be a bummer for everyone.

He wanted to play with him, but, "no dumbass, they strictly told us not to". Hinata started pleading, "pleeeeaaaaassseeeeeee, it has been so long since I hit a nice spike..!! You know, with me and Kenma's breakup, everything sort of messed up."

He looked at Kageyama with the sweetest puppy eyes ever. It was hard to deny when someone THAT cute had requested something. So Kageyama gave a little smile and agreed to go against the instructions.

"But where will we get the ball from? The sports room is locked, and I don't have any," Kageyama said. For a second, he thought he had said something amazing because it wouldn't break Hinata's little heart, and neither would they go against the orders.

Hinata's eyes shone brightly all of a sudden, as if animated. He fiddled in his luggage and pulled out a volleyball. With the widest grin, he looked at Kageyama and said, "do you really think I'll leave my baby?? I carry my ball EVERYWHERE..!! Hahahaha... now come on, hurry up..!! We can play a few tosses before dinner". He grabbed Kageyama by the wrist and started running towards the gymnasium.

Kageyama was an outstanding setter. Hinata and he would play a few tosses of their own in the free time they had after the practice matches. When he had Kenma, he didn't realize how great a setter Kageyama was. But now, when Hinata hit the ball set by his best friend, it felt as if he was himself again.

For the first time in a very long while, Hinata could hit his insanely fast spike. And half of the credit was to be given to Kageyama for his perfect setting. Honestly, he felt his spikes were much better if that's possible. It was easier to hit Kageyama's set ball, it took almost no effort, and somehow the ball would stop at the very point he wanted to hit. It seemed as if it froze in the air, just for him, just for him to spike it down with his full strength. He was happy. Truly happy. After a very very long time.

Even Kageyama was feeling like Hinata was doing justice to his setting. He never felt like anyone could match the speed of his ball, but HINATA, he was on fire..!! The whole gymnasium would echo with the sound of the ball hitting the ground every time he spiked.

"I think you got better at the game", said Kageyama, almost unwilling to pass a compliment. "I think it's just that, with Kenma not setting for me anymore, I'm able to expand and grow with different setters. AND MAN YOU'RE GREAT..!!" Hinata said this while punching Kageyama's stomach. His cheeks were turning red, and it was clearly noticeable. So he turned his head to the other side and said "aye boke!! Don't touch me. Let's go get our lunch huh".

Every time their hands brushed, Kageyama would blush even harder. By the time they reached the cafeteria, he was so red that he could easily be mistaken for a walking tomato. Daichi saw the volleyball in Hinata's hand and made a face of disappointment. "Your tiny brain doesn't work, does it?", asked Kageyama. Hinata made an angry face (which only made him look even cuter) and said, "oh you could've given the idea to drop the ball too right.!!".

Arguing like little kids, they collected their lunch packets, and on their way back to the room Kageyama showed him the picture Noya posted on his Instagram, he loved it when Hinata tried to make an angry face. It was physically impossible for him to look angry. Hinata made a mental note to steal Nishinoya's phone and delete that post..!!

Sugawara pulled Daichi a bit closer and whispered, "it has been so long, seeing Hinata being happy."

[Word Count - 970]

I still can't believe my baby has grown this much... never did I EVER expect this book would cross even 40 reads, but thanks for sticking around and supporting me ❤ I honestly love each one of you with all my heart..!! AAAAAAAAA

also, if possible, consider sharing this book with other Haikyuu nerds too maybe?? I don't know, is it too much to ask?? I don't feel good asking aahaha... but uhm- *starts panicking and loses all the vocabulary*


A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - I'm planning on writing a short BokuAka library AU  (once I finish with this one ofc)


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