Chapter 21

142 23 69

Date: 3rd January
After returning to the hotel
Place: Kageyama and Hinata's room

Hinata and Kageyama went to their room. A subtle hotel room. Two beds, one window, 2 little potted plants on the window, a coffee table, a decent bathroom, a fireplace, and a television.

They dropped their bags and laid on their beds for a while. Both of them forgot that they had a diary to write. They again threw the stone, paper, scissors to decide who goes to bathe first (because this was the only way they could decide something without killing each other). Hinata won. "Hah! Sucker! You wait now..!!". With that, he went to take a bath.

Kageyama slumped on his bed with disappointment. Just then, his eyes laid on that peaking diary again. It looked as if it was mocking him. 

He could hear the shower, he could hear Hinata singing,

🎶And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind🎶

 "He won't be out any time soon", he thought to himself and pulled the diary out of Hinata's bag. He knew this wasn't right. He was so anxious that he could faint any time. His knees were giving up, so he sat on Hinata's bed and opened the diary.

He flipped to the last page.

"See you, Toby :)"
"See you"

"See you, Toby :)""See you"

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His heart skipped a beat. A beat? No no, it felt as if he forgot how to breathe and his heart was about to give up. Sharp pain in his chest, as if someone had stabbed him. He didn't know what he felt... it was happy to know that his long-term crush was now gonna be with him throughout his life, but... but it was scary. He was the reason Hinata had to break up with the boy he loved so much.

"He's gonna hate me. He's so gonna hate me. What should I do now? I'm not feeling well. Should I call Kuroo-san? Should I tell him that I'll go back home? I don't know how to face Hinata anymore. I'm the reason he had to go through the most shitty phase of his life."

Before he could arrive at any conclusion, he heard the shower being turned off, and the sound of the door being unlocked. He hastily stuffed Hinata's diary back into the bag, zipped it, and threw it under the bed with the rest of his luggage. Hinata came out of the bathroom, ruffling his wet hair, with only a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else.

Kageyama's mind was already too clouded to think of anything, but seeing his best fri- oh no, his soulmate, half-naked, was a whole new level of panic. He sat there, mouth hung open, mind empty. "Oye Bakayama!! Why are you sitting on my bed??", Hinata asked looking confused.

"I- uhh. I was. I was just making sure that your bed wasn't any better than mine..!!", Kageyama gave out the first thing he could think of.

Hinata laughed out, "so what's the result of your investigation?? And hey, where's my bag??"

"Hah! No! My bed is better than yours..!! It's fluffier..!! And your bag, I dropped it under the bed, with the rest of your luggage. Else you'll end up losing it.", Kageyama said confidently. "Damn Tobio, you're good at coming up with on-spot answers", he praised himself.

Hinata continued to ruffle his hair, trying to air dry it, and said, "okay then lemme sleep with you..!! Haha". Kageyama's expression changed to horror. He'd be more than happy to cuddle with Hinata and forget the world. But the situation wasn't just right. There was so much going on in his head.

Hinata noticed the discomfort and felt like he crossed some lines, and said, "Hey hey, chill down. I was just kidding Kags". Kageyama wordlessly picked up his towel and went to the bathroom. When he came out, Hinata was nowhere to be found.

"What's wrong with you??!! What if you can never find him again?? What if he went to Daichi to request a room switch?? You can't do one thing right..!!"

Just then he heard, "Kageyama, I'm coming in. I hope you're not naaakkeedd..!!", without even waiting for a response Hinata entered the room with hands full of chocolate and chips packets. "Give me a hand..!! It's for our journey. We can share".

He looked up to see Kageyama standing at a distance, staring blankly at Hinata. "Hey, what happ-"

Kageyama walked swiftly to Hinata, still half-naked, water dripping from the shower, and pulled him into a strong hug, resulting in spilling everything that Hinata was holding. Hinata was confused, but he hugged him back.

"Hey, Kageyama, hey hey... what happened? Is everything okay?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry Hinata"

This just increased his confusion. Why was he apologizing? "Are you still apologizing for what happened on the bus?? I told you that it's fine. We cuddled a bit, so what??"

He felt wetness on his shoulder and realized that Kageyama was crying. "Oye Tobio, why... why are you crying? Did anyone say anything?".

Kageyama didn't answer. They stood there for a while, Kageyama crying and Hinata just hugging him, rubbing his (bare) back. "I'm ready to talk whenever you're".

The taller boy slowly loosened away from the hug and sat on the coffee table. Hinata's eyes drifted to the clock to see that it was almost dinner time. He soft laid a hand on Kageyama's shoulder and said "get dressed, let's go downstairs. I don't wanna get scolded by Daichi again, haha". Kageyama gave a little smile and nodded.

Hinata still didn't understand anything. Why would Kageyama break down all of a sudden like that? But he had better things to think about. Like Kageyama's smile.

After they had their dinner, Daichi and Kuroo decided it'd be great if they went on a little night march. After all, a Tokyo tour would be incomplete without admiring its night beauty.

[Word Count - 1026]

A/N - alright, let's begin some real gay shit.

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