Chapter 56🌷

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Writer's POV

It's the beginning of the fourth year of the college ,or the last year of college. Many things have changed , Ivaan always hangout out with them, sometime Veronica and Steven join them too . The couples are happily dating each other, Vivan and shravu informed their parents about them, vivan's mom and dad were the happiest listening to that Vivan is dating shravu, shravu's mom loved Vivan so even she didn't have any objection, but shravu's dad didn't give permission, afterall even he think like Reyansh , Kiara made him understand too ,and finally he gave the permission.

Shub and Nikki Informed their parents that they wanna get married after their farewell , and they were more than happy with their descion .
Nikki were named as the president of the college , their gang had to struggle a lot make her ready for it, Maira had lost her idea to be the president as well as Ivaan , so the only option left was Nikki. Nikki is handling the college work really well with the help of her friends .

They all were sitting in their favourite place in the college , the jamroom.
Ivaan came to them with a confused face .

Abhay: What's up Ivaan?

Reyansh: Why do you have such a disgusting face ?

Ivaan: I'm confused guys , I really need your help , I don't know what's going on in my life .

Shravu came wrapped her hand around Ivaan's shoulder .

Shravu: What happened bro.

Kiara: Yeah what's bothering you Ivaan?

Ivaan: Umm there's a girl called Lavanya in our college.

Tiya: That junior girl.

Nikki: So you like her ah?

Ivaan turned red...

Ivaan: No I don't know guys, actually she's behind me from a long time now , when I talk with other junior girls, she doesn't let me, she confessed that she likes me but I rejected her proposal as I didn't feel like that for her.

Maira: wow , she's daring, proposing a senior and all not bad I love her character, but why are you confused now ?

Ivaan: That's what I don't understand, when I rejected her , she had tears , and I couldn't see her like that, it hurt me, and now she's ignoring me, even that I can't tolerate.

The gang gave a understanding look to each other.

Shub: Are you jealous when she talk with other boys ?

Ivaan: Yeah I hate it.

Vivan: Do you care for her?

Ivaan: of course I do.

Shravu: Do you love her bro?

Ivaan was quiet....

Ivaan: But Elena , guys she was the girl I loved first , and I lost her . Now again ....... I don't like Lavanya I think I love Lavanya .

The gang smiled at his confession.

Nikki: What did you say Ivaan?

Ivaan: I love Lavanya ! I really do !

Girl: And I love you too.

They all turned towards the door just to witness Lavanya over there with a beautiful smile on her face Ivaan was shocked.

Ivaan: How did you come here ?

Lavanya: Maira di texted me  to come . And I'm glad I came otherwise I know you won't ever propose me .

Ivaan: But I can't do this .

Lavanya: I know it's because of Elena , But you were not at fault in that . It's past now , but we can make our future beautiful together right?

Ivaan and others smiled at her words. Ivaan hugged her tightly making everyone stunned .

Ivaan: I love you so much. I'm sorry for making you wait.

Lavanya : I love you  more my dear senior .

All chuckled and wished them and they had a group hug.

They all were in Mr.lee's class, they were concentrating, but as usual sometimes irritated Mr.lee by asking questions too.

Mr.lee: Students, I have an announcement to make.

Abhay: oh please don't say that you gonna retire sir.

Shravu: Yeah we won't be able to let you retire, we can't stay in this college without you sir.

They both said dramatically while others were giggling.

Mr.lee: You guys will never change , I'm not gonna leave the college that soon.

Nikki: Then what's the announcement sir?

Mr.lee: It's that we all are going on a trip ! All the students and professors, that will help you all get to know other students too, specially as this is your last year , principal has decided it to be memorable for you all . So you all will need to take permission from the parents , as soon as possible, and Nikki , there will be board meeting of professors after college to discuss about the trip , so even you have to join us as you are the college president. Ok students that's all for today .

Students were cheering with happiness.

Nikki sighed and looked her gang.

Nikki: This is all because of you all , you all made me the president, and I have to suffer with these boring meetings and all .

All burst out into laughter.

Vivan: don't worry we all will stay in the college till your meeting get over.

Nikki: That's not gonna help me from getting bored.

Abhay: Yeah , you deserve it , for annoying us with your rules and regulations. After you became the president you didn't let us to bunk the college also .

Abhay said while making faces.

Nikki: ha ha ha I dont have any other option...

Nikki attended the meeting while others were waiting for her, then they all went home and got permission from their parents. And got ready for the trip.

Here's the chapter 56...
Three more chapters and epilogue gonna be the 60th chapter....
Keep supporting me to start the new book too....
Vote and comment guys....
Stay safe....

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