*just a rant, feel free to skip over :)* A/N

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Ello welcome back!

Okay so basically I needed to rant and haha- I'm doing it here. (This will probably be a one time thing).

So basically, I had these few online friends right? And they saved me.
Saved me from the world, saved me from everything you could think about. A few days ago was our one year anniversary. And- I wasn't there for it but I said happy one year to us today. So everyone just remember nothing last forever no matter how much we try. Life doesn't last, this book won't last forever, (thought I will be trying to make this book last for well over a long time, don't worry :) )so always make the most of it. I wasn't always there and how I wish I could go back to those moments we had together. So if you have friends or online friends, or anyone always remember to cherish the moments with them no matter how big or small.

I usually don't like to get sappy or anything, but I thought this was a good message to put along. Always remember my DM's are open if you ever need to rant, or anything in the sorts.

I really apologize for ranting on this!! Im never one for emotions. Have a lovely day, and a new chapter will be out as soon as possible :] ,


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