Heir to the Demon (2x13) part 3

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The scene changed to the Lair a short time later as the three vigilantes entered.

"Sara!" Oliver called out.

"The snake venom, it's gone." Felicity noticed at once.

"She found Nyssa." Oliver realized.

"And she's going to poison her?" Diggle asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah. I'm still not completely on board with that." Thea admitted.

"We need to stop her before she does. Activate her tracer." Oliver ordered Felicity.

"You put a tracer in my sister?!" Laurel exclaimed glaring at Oliver who shrugged unapologetically.

Dig looked at him in surprise as Felicity ran to her computer. "You put a tracer on her?"

"She has a bad habit of disappearing on me." He noted darkly.

"She has that habit with everyone." Lance frowned.

"Oliver, I hate to sound cold, but why do we care if Sara kills some bad ass assassin that wants to get her and her family?" Diggle asked.

"Because, Diggle, if half of the stories that I have heard about Ra's al Ghul are true; if Sara kills his daughter... we will all pay." Oliver said seriously. He walked over to his crate and withdrew the satchel of island herbs, then grabbed his bow before going for his leathers.

"Touché" Dig nodded.

At the docks, Nyssa was untying Dinah. "They're coming for you now." She told the frightened woman.

"Dinah!" they both looked up as Lance burst into the warehouse, his gun drawn. "Move away from her! Move away!" Lance ordered. Nyssa stood there calmly as Dinah lurched from the chair and ran into her ex-husbands arms. "It's all right, it's all right." He whispered to her.

"What's happening?" Dinah asked, and then froze as she saw her.

"This isn't going to end well."

"Sara." Dinah whispered as her daughter walked out of the shadows.

"It's me, Mom." Sara assured her. "It's me."

"Oh, my baby! My baby!" Dinah cried, pulling her into her arms. "Oh, my baby!"

"Why does your family have to make me cry?" Win sobbed into J'onn's shirt who awkwardly patted his back.

"I love you so much, Mom." Sara told her as Nyssa looked on. "I have to go." She said, pulling away from her.

"What?" Dinah asked, dumbfounded. "What are you doing?"

"Dad, get mom out of here!" Sara ordered as she approached Nyssa.


"We've got to go." Lance said, puling Dinah away towards the exit

"No! No! No!" Dinah cried out, sobbing as he daughter was taken from her once again.

"Your family has the worst luck." Barry shook his head, "I thought my family has it bad."

Sara took three halting steps towards Nyssa, and then collapsed as Nyssa looked on in horror.

"No." Laurel breathed realizing what her sister had done. Of course she wouldn't poison the woman she loved, she would poison herself.

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