Three Ghosts (2x09)

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The miracle had failed. Slade was dead. And now Oliver, Shado and Sara were at the mercy of a madman as Ivo and his men burst into the compartment.

"I swear if that man TOUCHES my baby I will personally find him and make him suffer." Quentin threatened.

"Dad?" Laurel asked, "This guy is probably no longer alive considering..." she trailed of gesturing to Oliver.

Ivo spotted Sara, standing frozen by the door. He grabbed her arm and shoved her towards Oliver and Shado. "Get over there!" He shined his light down on Slade, and knelt down. He slowly reached towards his body and felt for a pulse, but found none. He noted the bloody tears, then saw the empty syringe on the ground and picked it up. He was examining it when the new captain walked back into the compartment, the wooden crate in his hand. "Mirakuru." He said, rising to examine the box. He looked at the rows of syringes in wonder. Then turned back to his men. "Take them." He ordered.

"This isn't good." Thea sighed, "I think the only way I'm able to watch this is because I know you live." She admits.

"I wouldn't say I'm okay." Oliver admits, "But I am here and I am alive."

A short time later the group was walking back through the forest towards the Amazo. Oliver, Shado and Sara all had their hands bound behind them, and Ivo led Sara at gunpoint personally.

"Dad!" Laurel exclaimed stopping him before he shouted at the screen again.

"Anthony, you got what you wanted. You can let them go." Sara said, trying to reason with the man. She turned back to face him. "If you ever cared about me." She pleaded.

"What does that mean?" Alex asked confused, "Does that mean..." she trailed off, "Oh. OH." She growled as a look of murder appeared on her face.

"Hey." Kara tapped her sister on the shoulder. "What? Oh."

A wave of understanding seemed to hit the group as the realized what that simple line implied. This girl really had been through hell.

"But I do care about you, Sara." Ivo said. "Which is why I won't choose to kill you." Sara blinked as Ivo's insanity came to the front. "But he might."

"This psychopath." Tommy snarled.

Oliver, who had stopped with the rest, looked at the doctor in confusion as he forced both Sara and Shado to their knees.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked in dread.

"This is an execution." Malcolm commented.

"Shut up!" Thea yelled.

"Time to choose, Oliver." Ivo said with insane glee. "Who lives, and who dies. But pick quickly, because in 30 seconds, I will shoot them both." Oliver stared at the two women in horror.

"That's messed up." Cisco shook his head in horror.

"You don't have to do this!" Oliver exclaimed. "You got what you came for! Just take it and go!"

Ivo pointed the gun at Shado's head. "10 Seconds."

"That wasn't 20 seconds!" Laurel shouted. Her sister was alive yes but that didn't mean she hadn't gotten shot.

"You freaking psychopath!" Oliver shouted. He was shaking in impotent rage.

"History will make that judgment." He moved the gun to Sara "Five seconds."

"I'm fairly certain history has ALREADY made that judgement." Barry emphasized.

Oliver stared at the two women, torn. "Time's up." Ivo raised the gun pointed at Sara's head.

"Leave her alone!" Laurel cried out.

"No, no!" Oliver ran in front of Sara, dropping to his knees in front of her.
"I guess you made your choice." Ivo said coldly, then turned the gun on Shado and fired once into her head.

"NO!" Oliver screamed, then collapsed to the ground as he attempted to save both of his friends. One more person he had cared about, dead.

"I'm so sorry." Moira told her son as she rested her hand on his shoulder.

On the sub, Slade suddenly awakened, fully healed.
"Shado..." he looked around. Suddenly, he knew she was in trouble. "Shado!"

"Oh my god." Winn breathed.

"He's not going to be happy." Iris managed out.

Slade ran up the sail and back to land, running through the woods at incredible speed. He arrived at the small clearing and grabbed the first man he saw, throwing him back against a tree where he nearly folded in half. He attacked the other two men, killing them with his bare hands as Ivo fled into the forest. He stared down at the AK-47 he had taken off of one of the soldiers, then snapped it in half like it was a twig. The new captain clubbed him on the back with the butt of his rifle, but all that did was piss Slade off even more. Slade punched the man through the chest, then withdrew his hand and let the man drop to the ground, dead. Oliver and Sara looked on in surprised horror as Slade stared at his blood fist.

"What just happened?" Roy asked the silent room.

He looked down and saw Shado lying there, dead, and dropped to the ground next to her. He gently picked up her body and held her close, the blood from her head wound smearing across the side of his face. He looked to Sara and Oliver. "Why?" he asked plaintively.

"I..." Oliver started.

"How do you explain this?" Malcolm smirked.

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?!" Thea exclaimed.

"Ivo just shot her." Sara said, cutting him off. "He didn't say why."

"That was actually smart." Joe justified, "I'm normally not okay with lying but he doesn't really seem okay right now."

"Whoever did this to her is going to suffer." Slade promised.

"I just hope that doesn't mean Sara." Laurel breathed.


Hey y'all! Not much to say other than enjoy! Also I saw Black Widow this weekend and am officially in love with both Yelena Belova and Florence Pugh's acting skills. I've never related more to a character in my life! Pockets are hard to find on women's clothing!

Question of the chapter:

All time favorite sidekick for the arrow (Diggle doesn't count and neither does Sara or Laurel. Can't be a partner must be a sidekick.)

I would probably have to go with Roy probably just because Thea always felt almost like a sidekick/partner to Laurel? If that makes sense plus when Roy is there we get Theroy.


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