Blind Spot (2x11)

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"I miss the present." Thea sighed.

The scene flashed back to the island. Oliver and Sara had made their way back to the plane, looking for Slade.
"Slade? Slade!" Oliver yelled, doing a quick search of the wrecked plane. He sighed in disappointment when he realized it was empty. "Thought maybe he'd come back here." He told Sara.

"It is basically the only other set we've seen." Felicity pointed out, "Where else would he go?"

"He has the Mirakuru serum in his bloodstream." She reminded him. "He's not thinking clearly."

"I would love to get my hands on some!" Ray admitted, "See what makes it work and how it was possible. I mean this was developed during World War II the technology was way ahead of its time."

Oliver stopped and looked down. On the deck lay the skeleton of the Japanese soldier they had carried back for Shado to look over. "So what do we do now?"

"I don't know, Sara." Oliver said, annoyed. He looked around and saw the motion tracker. He picked it up and saw that it was still working. "The sensor grid is still active. So at least we're going to know if Ivo and his men come back to the island." He told her.

"Where the hell did you get a sensor grid?" Quentin asked confused. Hadn't this guy been 'alone.'

"So we just sit here and wait?" Sara asked.

"Well, do you have any other ideas? 'Cause right now, I'm open to suggestions." He shot back.

"We find Slade, and..." she swallowed. "Maybe we consider Ivo's offer."

Oliver glared at her. "What?"

"Look, if we get the serum back from Slade, then we can go home." Sara said, trying to reason with him. "And I can try to talk to Ivo. I can get him to listen to me."

"It did work before." Winn said hesitantly.

Oliver stood and moved right into Sara's face. "Like he listened before he shot Shado in the head?" he spat.

"Fair counterargument." Winn admitted.

"He's just tired, and he's frustrated." She said defensively. Oliver scoffed. "You don't understand what finding the Mirakuru serum has meant to him."

"You're right, Sara, I don't understand." He said. "And I don't get how you can even consider trusting him after what he did!"

"He's not evil." She protested. "He kept me safe on that ship for over a year. And I mean, not just safe, he taught me things. And I learned a lot." She added softly.

"I believe they call this 'Stockholm Syndrome." Tommy noted, earning a hard slap on the chest from Laurel.

"I learned a lot, too." Oliver said quietly, staring hard at his former lover. "This island taught me that you can't trust anyone."

"Well that's kind of depressing." Felicity said sadly. What is a life without trust. You have to trust people to let them in and if you can't...that was a very lonely life.

Sara lay on the deck of the plane, wrapped in a blanket, staring at the small fire she and Oliver had built as Oliver lay in his makeshift hammock near the door.

"You know what I really miss about being home?" she asked rhetorically. "My bed."

"I bet." Tommy laughed, "it's like the camping trip from hell!"

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