Streets of Fire (2x22) part 1

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The memory set picked up where the last left off. In the tunnel, Oliver's ears were wringing as he dug himself out from the rubble. "Laurel." He groaned, pulling free of the concrete.

"Laurel?" he looked around, but didn't see her anywhere. "Laurel!"

Finally he heard her voice. "Oliver!" it was coming from the other side of the rubble.

"Are you ok?" he yelled.

"The tunnel collapsed." She said. "I'm trapped. I just... it's getting really," she coughed. "Hard to breathe!"

Tommy reached over and grasped Laurel's hand, all the while thinking 'Man, not another collapsed ceiling...'

"You are going to be ok." Oliver assured her. "I need you to tell me everything that you see."

She started looking around. "Rocks, and water, and—" then she spotted something that could be useful. "And your bow."

"Do you see my quiver?!" he yelled back, hopeful.

She searched frantically. "Wait! Yeah, yes, I have it! I have it." She called out, picking up the quiver still filled with arrows.

"How many arrows are in it?" Oliver asked.

"There's a bunch of them."

"There should be one with a metallic head that's bigger than the rest of them." He described. Laurel looked through the arrows, finally pulling out the right one. "Do you see it?"

"I have a feeling I know where this is going." Laurel winced.

"Why do I need this?" she asked nervously.

Oliver sighed. "Because it's an explosive arrow." He told her. "And you're going to fire it."

"Oh, I can't wait to see this." Thea said with a grin.

"I can wait. I can wait my whole life." Quentin argued.

"Are you far enough away from the debris to avoid the blast?" he asked her.

"I don't know!" she called out. "What if I can't shoot that far?"

"Valid question." Cisco noted.

"The bow's a hybrid compound, Laurel." Oliver explained. "It's going to do all the work for you. All I need you to do... just aim at the middle of the debris. Take a deep breath." He told her. "Center your feet. Left hand on the bow. Place the arrow on the drawstring."

"Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok." She muttered to herself. Carefully she put the arrow on the drawstring, and the explosive head was activated.

"All right, I want you to pull back on the drawstring. And keep your left arm straight. Ok?" Oliver called out.

"This could go really well or really badly." Winn warned having been in the situation of having to use a weapon and not knowing what to do with it.

Laurel lifted the bow and shakily pulled back the drawstring. "You count to three and then you just let go. You can do this." He encouraged her, moving off to the side.

"1, 2...3!"

Laurel fired the arrow. It hit dead center in the debris and exploded, blowing a hole just big enough for Oliver to fit through. Laurel was on the ground, coughing but otherwise unharmed. He helped her up and smiled.

"Nice shot." He told her. He took his bow from her, grabbed his quiver, and led her back out, hitting his com as they went. "Diggle, you there?"

The Mantle of the Canary: Watching Sara LanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora