The Promise (2x15) part 2

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Back in the present Oliver was following Thea who was giving Slade a tour of their paintings with Moira.

"I don't like where this is going." Thea sighed. She was literally walking the person who wanted to murder her brother and his girlfriend around her family's house.

The scene changed to the Lair. Felicity's phone started ringing on the edge of her desk, but it was ignored as Sara tried to lead Roy in a little archery practice. Another arrow, another hit way off the target.

"Oof. I think eventually I'd hit something." Roy groused.

"Be patient." Sara advised. "Ollie makes it look easy."

"Like she makes it look any harder." Roy grumbled. Sara could shoot a bow and arrow too. Just as well as Oliver.

"Is anyone going to get that?" Felicity called as she and Diggle returned from their Big Belly Burger run. "I'll take that as no." she dropped the bag of food on the edge of the table and picked up her phone. "No worries. No matter where I go, I'm just answering phones. Hello?" she said, picking up the call. She frowned. "Oliver?" She smirked as she set the phone down on the table, and then hit a key to tie it in to the Lair's speakers. "Well, I do think we have been butt dialed." She noted wryly.

"Oh!" Tommy exclaimed startling Laurel, "I think I know what he's doing!"

** And here is a Joseph Cooper from 1890.** Thea was saying over the line, oblivious.

Roy perked up at once. "Hey, that's Thea."

"Aww." Laurel cooed, "He knew exactly what your voice sounded like instantly. Even over the phone."

"Yeah." Thea agreed, "I got pretty lucky in the boyfriend department."

**That's gorgeous.**

Sara froze. "Wait, hold on. I know that voice." She said, a feeling of ice in the pit of her stomach forming.

"Boom!" Tommy smiled. He was starting to understand how his best friend's brain worked.

**I actually have a painting from his first solo exhibition in Boston.** Slade continued.

Sara paled. "Oh, God, no." she whispered.

"He must have really done something horrible to her to make her remember his voice all those years." Alex noted. She assumed he had something to do with the blonde's second 'death.'

"Who is that?" Diggle demanded, on guard at once.

"His name is Slade Wilson. And unless we stop him, he's going to kill Oliver and his entire family." Sara said urgently.

"And you." Laurel huffed. She really wished her sister would take her own safety into account even though she knew it probably wasn't going to happen.

"We have to move. Now." Sara walked over to the equipment rack and pulled out a knife. She tested the edge with her thumb.

"Are you sure it was Slade Wilson? I thought he was dead." Diggle said, remembering what Oliver had told him.

"I'm sure. That's not a voice I'd ever forget." She slid the knife into a holster attached to the back of her belt. "What's the biggest gun you got down here?"

"I wonder if she could beat him in a fight." Merlyn wondered to himself. He was strong even without the Mirakuru but she was small and fast. It was truly a toss up.

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