Heir to the Demon (2x13) part 2

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They made their way to the parking garage, where the assassin loaded Dinah into the back of a panel van. They shut the doors, then climbed into the truck and took off.

"I really don't get why she couldn't have fallen in love with an accountant." Lance finally spoke after having been silent for so long.

"I guess it really is true." Thea thought aloud, "Love is love."

Soon the van was speeding down the lower industrial roads. From the Lair, Felicity guided Oliver and Sara, who rode tandem on his bike, towards them.

As they sped past the van, Sara pulled out her Canary Cry device and activated it, shattering every window on the van. Nyssa climbed into the back of the van and started firing arrows at the two vigilantes as they spun the bike around to follow, but Oliver popped a wheelie and the arrows bounced harmlessly off the armored underside of the bike.

"You two do work well together." Roy admitted.

"I hope we will." Oliver agreed.

Oliver gunned the bike, rapidly gaining on the van. Sara stood on the seat, and then leapt over Oliver to land on the roof of the van. Inside, Nyssa began firing arrow through the roof, forcing Sara to move closer to the edge.

"So much for love." Laurel sighed. She had hoped her sister could at least have some happiness.

A final arrow caused Sara to roll off. She grasped the luggage rack- and stared at horror as she saw her mother lying on the floor of the van, unconscious. The distraction cost her as Nyssa belted her once in the jaw, sending the Canary flying off the van.

Oliver slid his bike to a stop as Sara staggered to her feat. "No!" she screamed as the van sped off into the night.

"I know she's probably beating herself up over that." Ray noted, "What? I'm a very observant guy." He defended.

The scene changed to Starling General as Lance met Sara and The Arrow out in the ambulance bay.
"Dad, it's my fault, I'm so sorry." Sara began.

"The assassins group that you're a part of, they took your mother." He told her.

"Not exactly." Sara hedged.

"Is she going to tell him?" Alex asked surprised.

"Well, what exactly?" Lance demanded.

"A woman. Nyssa. She's a powerful figure in the League. And she poisoned Laurel. She took mom." She explained in a rush.

"To get you to come back to the League?" Lance asked.

"Yeah?" Roy remarked.

Sara paused for a moment. "To get me to come back to her." She said significantly.

Lance paused. "Oh."

"It's hitting him just like it did here." Diggle chuckled.

Before he could say anything else, Sara's phone rang. She answered it at once. "Nyssa, don't do this."

"I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen." Nyssa replied coldly. She paced the warehouse she was using as her base, walking around a bound and gagged Dinah. "I thought it would be instructive for you to know what it feels like to suddenly lose someone you love. To have them ripped from your life without warning." Her voice quivered slightly.

"Something tells me she's speaking from personal experience." Tommy glared at his father, "I guess you do have a use. What happened?"

"I don't know." Malcolm shook his head.

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