Time of Death (2x14) part 2

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The scene changed to Widmeer Bank. Tockman's new crew were at the vault, the skeleton key placed next to the lock.

"It looks like the vacuum I pretended was the cold gun!" Cisco pointed out.

"And I thought my life was weird." Dig sighed. How exactly did his life become this?

"Device is hot." The second man said. From his hideout, Tockman activated the key and in seconds, the vault door was open.

He smiled happily. "Extract as much money as you can in 90 seconds." He ordered, watching the heist on the security cams. "Stop! Get out of there!" he ordered suddenly.

"This guy is like a less intelligent version of Snart." Barry noted.

"Who?" Laurel asked confused.

"Captain Cold."


"We've still got 20 seconds." The man said in confusion.

On his screens, Tockman saw The Arrow stalking down the hall. "No, you don't."

"Ha!" Tommy shouted teasingly, "Robin Hood the rescue!"

"Tommy, I'm not Robin Hood."


"Come on!" The second man ordered his partner.

Seconds after they had left, Arrow and Canary entered the vault. "They're already gone!" he said over the coms.

"I think I have an idea where." Felicity said, tracking the key from her computer in the Lair. "The skeleton key operates on an OFDM wireless signal. I'm picking up a transmission signal in the alley next to the bank."

**But you won't be heading there.**
The Arrow paused. "What was that?" he demanded.

"Is that Tockman?" Felicity's eyes widened. How had he hacked their transmission?

"He's hacked our transmission." Felicity said, astonished.

**My associates may be headed to the alley, but the 9:40 bus from Crescent Circle is about to collide with the Starlight Freight Express.** Tockman said, rerouting traffic.

"We'll that's dumb." Thea smiled, "There's two of them and you revealed your location. Idiots." She shook her head smiling.

Felicity double checked on her screen. "Oh, my God, he's right, the 9:40's headed for the track at Amherst." She said, horrified.

**By my calculations, you can't be in two places at once.** Tockman said happily.

The Arrow looked over to the Canary. "He doesn't know there's two of us." He realized.

"Go get em!" Thea exclaimed.

"You are way too excited about this." Laurel laughed.

In the alley behind the bank, Tockman opened the door to his mobile command center. "Come on! Come on!" he yelled at his two hired thugs. When he saw The Canary round the corner, he pulled out a pistol and started shooting.

Sara separated her staff and hurled one half like a spear. It hit Tockman in the temple, causing him to drop his gun as he staggered back into the truck. One of the men turned around and opened fire, causing Sara to take cover behind a dumpster.

"A: how does she do that? And B: how dare they shoot at my daughter?!" Lance shouted fuming.

"Dad. Dad. DAD!" Laurel interjected, "She's fine. Calm down."

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