Identity (2x02)

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Roy was taking out some trash behind Verdant when he suddenly sensed he wasn't alone. He knelt down, depositing the glass bottles as he subtly reached into his pocket. In one fluid movement, he withdrew the arrow, rose, and spun around, flinging the projectile-

Right at The Arrow, who caught it inches from his face.

"Dude what if it hadn't been Oliver?" asked Cisco

"Yeah I um... didn't think that through." Roy admitted

Roy started, stunned, before he finally found his voice. "I've been looking for you."

"You need to stop." The Arrow said forcefully.

"You saved my life!" Roy said. "Made me realize it wasn't much of a life." He admitted. "But I could do what others couldn't, or too afraid to do. I could help you save the city."

"You're untrained." The Arrow said.

"I mean he's not wrong." Barry admitted commenting for the first time.

"I can fight." Roy protested.

"You can take a beating." The vigilante shot back. "There's a difference."

"Yeah, but i could take a HELL of a beating." Roy quipped.

"Still the same thing babe." Thea reminded

"Then teach me! Let me help you." Roy begged.

"Yeah his teaching skills didn't turn out too well last time." Felicity admitted despite the glare from Oliver.

The Arrow walked slowly towards him. "Ok." He said after a moment of silence. "You can help me. But not by taking on the Triad or the cops."

"Then how?"

"To do what I do, I need intel. You can be my eyes and ears in the Glades." He offered. "That's how you can save the city."

"Thank you for at least attempting to keep him off the streets." Thea said grateful for her brother's attempt to keep her boyfriend safe.

"How do I contact you?" Roy asked.

The Arrow tossed back the flechette. "Leave that in the alley wall. Then I'll know to contact you."

Roy bent down to retrieve the weapon. "Are you sure it's alright that I keep this?" he asked, looking up- but the Arrow was gone. He grinned in disbelief.

"It's smart. The cops already looked it over they won't suspect anything." said Quentin

"True" agreed Joe

Later that night, Laurel was working late again at the D.A.'s office when, once again, the lights went out.

"Dramatic much?" asked Dig

"I told you to stay away from me." She said, spinning around to see The Arrow standing in the darkened office.

"I'm gathering that listening, isn't his strong suit." J'onn observed.

Oliver activated the voice changer. "I thought you might have changed your mind after I stopped the men terrorizing our city."

"This isn't your city." Laurel said sharply."It's your killing fields."

"The copycats are still alive." The Arrow noted.

"Tommy Merlyn isn't." she shot back.

"Laurel. You gotta let it go." Tommy said to her though it was unclear which Laurel he was talking to. "It wasn't his fault it was my psychotic father."

Oliver paused for a moment. "I lost a friend that day, too." He told her. "And I would gladly have given my life for his."

"That's really sweet man." Tommy admitted "But you don't get to die on me now you've got too many people to save."

"Well, don't worry, your life is over." Laurel said, grinning coldly. She held up a small device for him to see- a signaling device. "Your life as a free man."

She pressed the button, and instantly the Task Force warmed into the office. They surrounded the vigilante, cutting off all avenues of escape. He drew and arrow and nocked it, turning slowly to face each of the cops- but there were always more at his back. He was well and truly trapped.

"How did they get there so fast, and why are there that many of them there?" Officer Lance asked "If they're all there who's keeping the rest of the city safe?"

"Unfortunately not all towns have police departments like Central City." Joe said sadly. "Ones that focus on the actual problems. Not going after the people doing at least something to try and stop it."

"I'd attempt to defend our force. But you aren't wrong."

"I told you to stay away." Laurel said smugly. "Somehow I knew you wouldn't listen."

"Well you're screwed" Thea commented.

"Also where was that badass chick with the leather?" Tommy asked "She was cool."

"The only reason you want her back on the screen is because you think she's attractive." Moira chastised.

"No it isn't."

"Okay maybe that's part of the reason."


Wow! Three chapters done so far! Where is this motivation coming from? I need to put this into my other book. What did you think? Did you like it? I had fun.

Question of the Chapter:

Which death in the Arrowverse do you find the most depressing?

Mine would have to be either Sara Lance's first death on Arrow simply because of Laurel. I mean she fell right in front of her sister. Her (what was it eighth?) death (the one with zombies.) was also pretty emotional because she was sacrificing herself for her team. Ava's reaction is probably what go me though. Nora West-Allen from the Flash however is also really sad and definitely made me cry.

Submit a question here to be a question of the chapter!


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