The Man Under the Hood (2x19) part 2

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The scene changed to S.T.A.R. Labs' Starling City branch, where Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow were running an inventory as they prepped the facility for closure.

"Wonderful." Cisco sighed. "Just kill us why don't you?"

"The combined inventory of every scientist who ever worked at S.T.A.R. Labs. All housed right in here." Cisco said in excitement as he scanned crates on the long, high shelves. "I hereby christen this building 'da bomb'."

"Who says that?" Alex asked confused.

"Cool people." Cisco replied.

Caitlin gave him a look from her seat at the computer. "Nobody says that anymore."

"See." Alex defended.

"Okay maybe only I say it." Cisco admitted.

"I say it. I define my own cool." Cisco argued good-naturedly. "I still can't believe Dr. Wells is shutting this place dow

"S.T.A.R. Labs blew a hole in Central City when we turned the particle accelerator on." Caitlin pointed out. "It's not surprising that Starling City cancelled the lease on this facility. We're not exactly the poster children for 'let us store our unregulated prototypes in your neighborhood'."

"Damn." Roy nodded both scared and impressed.

"It was an accident, Caitlin." Cisco pointed out.

"Yeah, well, try telling that to the families of the people who died." Caitlin said morosely as she rose from the computer.

"Maybe you can figure out how to tell that to yourself." Cisco said gently.

"Did someone you know die?" Kara asked lightly.

"My fiancée." Caitlyn responded tears welling in her eyes as Barry squeezed her shoulder.

Caitlin sighed. "Look, Cisco, let's get this inventory done so we can go home." They moved to back to work, but then they heard a door opening at the far end of the building. "I thought we were the only ones here." She said nervously.

"Maybe it's one of the security guards." Cisco suggested. The two moved down the aisle, and turning the corner they came upon a security guard standing there. "Oh." Cisco said, part in surprise and part in relief. "Hey, man. We should be wrapped up any minute now." The guard stood there, silent and unmoving. "Are you getting a bad vibe off this guy?" he asked Caitlin. Suddenly the guard coughed up blood, then toppled over to the floor to their surprised horror. Standing behind the guard, skeleton key in hand, was Deathstroke.

"Good lord." Joe sighed defeated. And his son wondered why he didn't want the family going into this business.

He quickly slid the key into a pouch on his belt and withdrew his pistol as the two scientists took off running. "The longer the chase, the slower the kill." He warned, following them like the Terminator.

"Ok but that's a cool line." Tommy admitted.

"Nerd." Laurel teased.

At Verdant the Arrow, with the Canary riding behind him, roared out of the alley on his bike. As they sped down the road, unnoticed to them, a white Ford Fusion started up and pulled out to follow them.

"Who's that?" Oliver wondered aloud.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin led Cisco to a gated off restricted area. Quickly unlocking the door, she ran in and started looking for a particular crate. "Help me." She said. "This equipment belonged to Arthur Light. Wells fired him two years ago."

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