Crucible (2x04) part 3

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The next morning, Oliver pulled up to Verdant on his bike. He left his helmet on the seat and was walking up to the doors when he sensed a presence behind him. He turned around to see Sara standing there in civilian clothes.

"Holy shitake mushrooms!" Thea exclaimed, "How did she manage to sneak up on you?"

Wordlessly he turned back and opened the door, holding it open for her to walk through first.

She walked inside and looked around, taking in the club but not really seeing it. Finally, she turned back to Oliver. "Did you tell my family that I'm alive?" she asked.

"Hello to you too." Tommy muttered no one knew what was going on or what had happened to her but knowing her as a teenager made it just that much more confusing.

"No." Oliver replied at once. She turned away from him. "Sara." He walked around her so that he was facing her once more. "I saw you die." He started.

"Not the first time that's happened, right?" She said with a small smile. "And I thought you were dead, too. What happened to Slade?" she asked.

"Who's Slade?" Asked Felicity.

"Luckily, not a problem anymore." Oliver stated simply.

"Where have you been?" he countered, ignoring her question.

"Everywhere." She said simply.

"Well that's not cryptic at all." Thea snarked.

"That's not an answer." Oliver replied.

"Well, it's the one you're getting." She shot back.

"Oliver I think we finally found someone more stubborn than you." Tommy joked despite being serious.

She sighed and started pacing aimlessly. "About a year ago, I started hearing tales of the Starling City vigilante." She continued. "The man in the green hood. I knew it was you."

"How on Earth would she have known?" asked Barry confused.

"The hood belonged to other people before it belonged to me." Oliver explained.

"I had never known you as much of a fighter." Oliver stated. "Where did you pick that up?"

"I met some rough people." She said cryptically. "Thought I should get rougher, too."

"Who?" Dig asked, "Did she learn to fight on the island?"

"No." Oliver replied, "Which is why I'm so confused."

"Sara." Oliver moved in closer. "Why did you come back?"

"The earthquake." She said simply.

Tommy inhaled sharply which didn't go unnoticed causing Laurel to thank Oliver and go to join Tommy beside him.

"Because you wanted to make sure your family was safe." Oliver sussed out. "But now you're still here, watching over them. Protecting them."

He looked her in the eyes. "So, did you come here to make sure I didn't tell them? Or because you were hoping I had?" he asked.

Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door. Oliver sighed. "I'll get rid of them." Oliver walked past Sara and unlocked the door. He opened in and leaned out- to see Quentin Lance standing there.

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