Crucible (2x04) part 2

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The scene changed to the Lair, where Oliver was filling his team in.

"Sara Lance?" Felicity said. "Laurel's sister? The detective's other daughter, the one that you took on 'The Gambit' with you even though you were dating Laurel at the time, which we never talked about—" she rambled.

"That's messed up." Winn decided "I understand you're clearly a new person now...but that's messed up."

"Felicity, please." He said quietly.

"I'm sorry, it's just... isn't she-isn't she dead?" she asked. "You told everyone that she died when 'The Gambit' went down, that she drowned."

Oliver raised his head, but he didn't look at them; he was looking past them, back to the Island.

"You knew she was alive?!?" Quentin roared angry, "Why wouldn't you tell us?!!!"

"Wait." Laurel interrupted looking up from Oliver's neck where she had been crying "No he didn't know. Didn't you see how shocked both versions of them were?"

"You lied." Diggle realized.

"When 'The Gambit' capsized, uh Sara was pulled under." Oliver said shakily. "It was so dark and cold. And I thought she drowned." He sighed. "About year later, I saw her."

"You saw her on Lian Yu?" asked Felicity confused, "I thought you said you were alone on this island?"

Oliver just scratched the back of his neck.

Diggle straightened. "You saw her, on the island?" he asked incredulously. "She drifted to the island, too?"

"Not exactly." Oliver said evasively.

"Dude that doesn't even begin to make sense." Cisco informed.

"Why didn't you tell the Lances that she didn't die in that boat?" Felicity asked. "Laurel and Mr. Lance, they blame you."

"Yeah, well, it was my fault." Oliver said simply. "What happened was my fault."

"Well, where has she been all these years, Oliver?" Diggle demanded.

"I don't know!" Oliver shot back. "Diggle, I swear to God. I was sure she was dead."

"So you had to see her die twice?" asked Kara apprehensively.

"Yeah..." Oliver mumbled.

"Do you have any happy stories?" Felicity wondered sadly.

"I don't think he understands that word." Thea interjected attempting to lighten the mood.

"All right, so just to make sure I understand this correctly, after not drowning when 'The Gambit' went down, Sara didn't exactly make it to the island with you, where you would see her die yet again. Feel free to fill in the blanks." Dig said sarcastically.

"Yeah that's pretty much what I got." Ray agreed still confused as to why he was there.

"Not right now." Oliver said, rubbing his face tiredly.

"You mean not ever, don't you, Oliver?" Dig said hotly.

"Don't you think her family had a right to know that she made it to the island, too?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah don't you think?" asked Quentin sarcastically.

"These were five years!" Oliver shouted, furious. "Five years... where nothing good happened. And they were better off not knowing."

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