Broken Dolls (2x03) part 2

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Easter Egg time! The two easter eggs in the last chapter were the two metaphors used. "Pot meet kettle," and "Given your glass house you shouldn't throw stones." These are the two metaphors used in 2x10 of Legends of Tomorrow when Mick calls the group "idiots"

If you caught them, good job! If you didn't? Who cares? Back to the story!


The scene changed to Granger Laboratories. A security guard was making the rounds when suddenly he was hit with a tranq dart. He dropped to the ground within seconds. As soon as he was out, The Arrow rounded the corner with Lance in tow.

"Wow" Tommy commented to Oliver "Right away you just tranqued the guy. Is that a word?" he asked mouthing the word 'tranqued' trying it out.

"So glad you invited me to tag along." The cop said, stepping over the guard's body as they entered the main lab.

"Tranq dart." Oliver told him. "He'll be out for 36 minutes."

"Yeah, I remember." Lance said sourly.

"He's not an idiot Oliver." Laurel chastised.

The Arrow plugged a device into the mainframe, then stepped back and activate his com-link. "You're up, Felicity."

"So, this is what a typical night's like for you, huh?" Lance asked sarcastically. "Just a little breaking and entering."

"Pretty much yeah," Felicity said.

"All right, I got toxicology first." Felicity said. In the lab, the results also came up on the screens there.

Lance looked at them in confusion. "What are all these?" he asked.

"Chemical ingredients of all the make-up found on the victims- skin cream, nail polish, lipstick." She explained.

"You guys are thorough," Cisco said.

"Of course we are," Quentin said appalled "We might not be the best force, but we do try to do our job."

Lance spotted something familiar suddenly. "Wait, wait, wait, stop." He ordered. "Scroll back. Scroll back." She did so, and Lance pointed at the screen, despite the fact that she couldn't see. "This one." He said for her benefit. "Ethyl paraben. Sodium laureth sulphate. I've seen this before." He said.

"What?" Winn asked confused.

"It's skin cream." She explained. "Forensics found traces of it on her fingers. Probably something she used before he grabbed her."

"Skin cream." Lance racked his brain. "Mermaid something. One of the victims from his last run, she had this in her purse, and I had the lab analyze it, and it's the same formula." He said, suddenly remembering.

Oliver realized that Lance was on to something. "Felicity." He urged.

"Already on it." She said, going back to Lance's digitized file. After five seconds, she pulled up the label of the skin cream, and displayed it at the lab. Lance looked at it in stunned amazement.

"Woah." Cisco said shocked at the speed of the hacker "Maybe she is the best hacker in the world."

"Hey?!" Winn half asked offended.

"How the hell could she do that?" he wondered. Under his hood, Oliver smiled proudly.

"Because I'm that good." Felicity said, a satisfied smile on her face. Thea reached over and gave her a high five.

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