Birds of Prey (2x17) part 1

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The memory set opened outside a cab depot as the police prepared to launch a raid. As patrol officers and SWAT members geared up, Lance walked around with a mug shot of their target.

"Hugo Mannheim." He said, showing the picture to each officer. "Warrants out for racketeering, extortion, murder- the goombah trifecta. But he never travels alone, so watch your back, watch your partner's back." He warned. "Let's go." The officers swarmed towards their appointed entrances, while above The Arrow and the Canary kept watch.

"Thanks for helping me keep watch over my dad tonight." Sara told Oliver.

"As long as Slade's out there, neither of our families are safe." He noted. They took off towards the action as shorts started being fired.

"Would he really come after the Lance's?" Tommy asked confused. All Slade seemed to be interested in was hurting Oliver as much as possible and killing Sara as painfully as possible.

"Honestly I don't know this guys off his rocker." Lance replied grateful for his daughters protection.

"This is the SCPD! Put your weapons on the ground!" officers shouted as the mobsters opened fire. Everyone started shooting, with cops and mobsters taking cover behind the rows of parked cabs.

"That's a disaster." Joe shook his head.

Soon the Arrow and the Canary joined in, taking down mobsters while avoiding the police. Seeing the tide turn, the mobsters started to flee. Oliver spotted one familiar looking man ducking out of the building and moved to follow.

"Move, move, move!" Lance ordered, sending the men after the fleeing criminals. He turned just in time to see another mobster raise his gun and shoot. "Aaah!" he cried out in pain as the force of the bullets threw him back into a stack of rubber hoses.

"Dad!" Laurel called out in fear despite being able to do nothing.

"Honey I'm sure I'm wearing a bulletproof vest." Her father informed her regardless of his anxiety.

Sara watched in horror as her father was shot, and ran over to his fallen form. She ripped open his shirt to see the bullet had struck him in the vest.

"Oh thank god!!" Laurel breathed heavily at the confirmation. She couldn't lose someone again.

"I'm fine." Lance coughed. "Go. Go!" he urged her.

Sara took off, running after the man who had shot him. Seeing him scramble up a ladder to the second floor of the depot, she jumped onto the arm of a sky crane and ran up it, jumping the railing right behind the shooter.

"Well. That guy's screwed." Felicity predicted.

"Yeah." Caitlyn agreed.

Outside, The Arrow drew a bolo arrow and fired. The cords wrapped around the fleeing criminal's legs and sent him crashing down an embankment. He rolled over as Oliver approached, another arrow drawn. "Frank Bertinelli." The arrow said in recognition.

"Wait!" Felicity paused, "Bertinelli, Bertinelli?!"

"My daughter sent you to kill me." Frank said fearfully. Before Oliver could reply, there was a crash of glass, and a moment later the shooter landed on the ground next to Frank HARD.

"Not really her style." Dig shook his head. Helena would want to deliver the blow herself.

Oliver looked up at the second story window to see The Canary looking down in satisfaction. As more police pulled up, the two vigilante's faded into the night.

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