Time of Death (2x14) part 3

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Felicity was using the computer set up directly in front of the vault. It was only a few minutes after her call to Oliver that she heard footsteps heading down the stairs towards her, and doing the only thing she could think of, she ducked down behind the computers' podium.

She knelt there, hoping they wouldn't notice her long enough for her to make an escape, when suddenly and hand grabbed eh arm and yanked her up. She yelped in surprise- then sighed when she saw it was Diggle.

"Oh thank god!" Felicity sighed, all of her breath sliding out of her body as she was finally able to relax her body collapsing like a Jenga tower.

He gave her a look, but before she could say anything a throat cleared. She looked to the stairs to see a very cross Oliver standing there in full gear.

"What are you doing here?" he asked tiredly.

"He's just done." Tommy laughed, "He's like disappointed big brother meets disappointed boyfriend."

"I'm tracking Tockman." She said.
"He fried our computers, so I'm using the banks to trace the skeleton key's signature."

"And the jacket?" Sara asked, noting that Felicity was wearing her leather jacket.

"Oh, you know." Thea smiled at the IT girl, "No reason in particular that I can think of."

"I was cold."

"Hmm." Sara smirked fondly at the hacker.

"I love how she just thinks it's cute." Laurel smiled, she could understand being compared to Sara.

"Diggle, get her out of here." Oliver ordered. Diggle moved to comply when suddenly the alarm sounded.

"Tockman disabled the bank's security system." Felicity said, running back to the computer. "I re-abled it." She said proudly. She pulled up the security cameras, and they saw Tockman's men entering.

"Go Felicity!" Roy shouted, "Hey you need a code name."

"They're blocking our way out." Diggle noted.

"I'll deal with them." Oliver said, heading up the stairs.

"Tockman's signal's strong." Felicity said. "He's here, he's close."

"Find him, Felicity." Dig said.

"He's already found." Felicity smiled cracking her knuckles.


**No need.** Tockman's voice sounded over their comms. **I'll tell you exactly where I am. I'm everywhere. At the moment, I'm particularly focused on the sub-level. The gas mains, specifically.**

"Frack." Felicity and Ray 'swore' at the same time smiling at one another.

"He sure does like to hear himself talk, doesn't he?" Diggle said.

"Don't all villains?" Joe scoffed.

Felicity pulled out her tablet and ran a diagnostic. "Oh, my God." She said as the schematics of the bank came up. A warning was flashing on the screen. "He shut down the gas main release."

"And why is that bad?" Sara asked.

"The build-up could cause an explosion." Diggle stated.

"Yeah that's bad." Iris agreed.

"It will. It'll blow up three square blocks." Felicity said.

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