City of Blood (2x21)

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Oliver, Sara, Anatoly and Peter climbed one by one down the coning tower and into the hull of the submarine. They shined their lights around the darkened space, looking it over.

"This sub is over 60 years old. " Anatoly remarked.

"How does he know that??!?" Barry asked confused.

"It was carrying the Mirakuru during the war when it ran aground." Sara revealed. They moved into the next compartment.

Peter's light caught something, and he fixed the beam onto it. "Blood." He said.

"Slade's." Oliver replied. "He was bleeding out, dying. Until we decided to give him the Mirakuru." He said with a sigh.

"Not the best choice." Malcom muttered.

"Not one of your better ideas." Anatoly remarked.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." Sara noted sadly.

"It usually does." Thea sighed.

"What about my idea for you to fix this sub?" Oliver asked hotly. "You were in the Navy."

"The Russian Navy." He shot back. "They taught us how to sink Japanese sub, not pilot them."

"Valid point." Tommy commented.

"Anatoly, please." He begged. "I know it's a long shot, but if we get this sub operational, we can blow Slade and the Mirakuru out of the water and get the hell off of this island. I mean, unless you have a better idea, this is our only chance of getting home."

Anatoly looked around and sighed. "Ok. I try." He said, moving to get to work.

"We'll take it!" Kara smiled hopeful.

Later Oliver looked around as the lights in the sub came back on, courtesy of Anatoly.

"Like riding bicycle." Anatoly said as the sound of the power plant spinning up could be heard throughout the ship. "Underwater." He added.

He moved to the engine controls and pulled back the lever. A rumbling sound could be heard, but it sounded...wrong.

"That's not a good sound." Ray winced, "And I should know."

"What's that sound?" Sara asked.
Anatoly moved to the wheel and tried to turn it, but it wouldn't budge.

"We're stuck." He grunted, letting go of the wheel in disappointment. "Like Japanese were."

"Submarines have torpedoes, right? Can we blast our way out?" Oliver suggested.

"Cause that sounds safe." Lance snorted.

"I was younger." Oliver defended.

Anatoly grinned at him "I can see why you two are made for each other." He said, running over to the engineers station and grabbing a tube. "You like your explosions." He upended the tube on the navigation table, and an ancient set of blueprints slid out. He unrolled them and looked them over.

"Yeah dad." Tommy glared over at Malcolm who was still lurking far away from the rest of the group.

"Chert voz'mi." he breathed.

"What?" Oliver asked.

"These are Kaiten torpedoes." He said. "Manually operated. Someone needs to steer from inside." He explained.

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