chapter 23

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Caution!!! This chapter includes mentions of mental health (just in case anyone is sensitive to this topic)

The weekend finally came around, my group and I all hang out on Friday as usual. It gave me an idea in introducing Jean back to the group, I had already talked it through with everyone after they asked if I had fixed things with Jean. They said it would be hard at first but they were willing to give it a try. Marco and Jean had been good with each other for a while, so we were already one step closer.

It was now Saturday morning and Sasha and I were cleaning up the mess of last night's movie night. "Ugh, I hate cleaning up." Sasha groaned as she picked up empty soda cans from the floor. "Yeah, me too but at least we had fun?" I laugh as I cleaned the table. "I guess you're right." She sighs as she puts the cans in the trash bag. "I'm gonna take the trash out, I'll be back!" Sasha exclaimed as she walked out the door, I giggled as she left.

Sasha and I finally cleaned up our dorm, I changed out of my pyjamas and showered. As it was getting warmer as summer was coming along I decided to wear a summer dress and a white cardigan:

I put some light makeup on and I told Sasha I was meeting Jean for coffee and that I'd be back later so we could go out for dinner with Mikasa and Hitch

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I put some light makeup on and I told Sasha I was meeting Jean for coffee and that I'd be back later so we could go out for dinner with Mikasa and Hitch. Sasha recently introduced me to Hitch and we ended up hitting it off. So we all created a group chat with us four so we could do girl's night outs and other stuff.

I walked to the cafe and walked inside taking in the coffee-scented air. The cool air sent goosebumps down my spine, I spotted Jean waving at me from a booth, I smile softly at seeing him. I made my way over to him and sat in the seat opposite him, "Hey babe..." He smiles. "Hi there," I reply. "You look beautiful, love" He gushes as I giggle, "Thank you..."

"I already ordered you a latte." He grins, "What?! I said coffee was on me." I furrowed my brows, he chuckled at my frustration. "tough shit, princess." I roll my eyes at him, "I hate you." "Sure. Whatever you say."

Our coffee was served not long afterwards, I took a sip of the hot latte. "Sooo"
"So what?" Jean raises a brow questioning me. I inhale a deep breath before I speak "I was thinking maybe you could fix things with everyone and join the group again...?" I chuckle awkwardly. His smile quickly dropped as he put his cup of coffee back down. He sighs slightly in frustration "I don't know Y/n... I highly doubt they'd want to be involved with me again."
"I've already talked to them and they want to patch things up." I smile softly. "Wait really?" He perked up. "Yes... I think it would help you," "Help me? What is that supposed to mean?" Confused about why I said that. It then hit me, I wasn't supposed to say that and let him have any indication I know about his depression.

"I- uh... I don't know..." I shrugged trying to brush off the awkwardness. "Y/n. What did you mean." He kept his brows furrowed, as he could tell that I knew something. "Marco told me about your mental health and stuff... I guess..." I say taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry- But please don't be mad at Mar-"
"Y/n. It's okay," He cuts me off letting a deep exhale. "I don't mind if he told you... I'm not great at talking about that kinda stuff so.." I smile a bit trying to seem comforting, I reached over and put my hand on his. "I know... But I hope you know I'm always willing to help because I do love you, Jean..."
"I know, I love you too..." He smiles back at me, "I don't think being friends with them again will help per se but I really would like a second chance."
"Okay, yay..." I keep a soft smile, he chuckles "You're so cute."
I roll my eyes at his compliment "You're cuter."
"Whatever, Horseface." I snicker.

Jean and I drank our coffee and talked for a while until we went into the city. I wanted to get a new dress for the party this weekend as I didn't pack many party clothes. It was another kinda fancy party so we had to wear nice clothes, as much as I hated Marina she did throw good parties and I loved hanging out with all my friends.

We went into multiple shops, we were now in Zara. Jean was sat outside the changing rooms as I put on the last dress I picked out. "Are you done yet?" Jean said shaking his leg, getting impatient at waiting for me to come out and show him the dress. "Yep!"

I stepped out of the curtains to reveal a satin blue dress hung on my body, highlighting all my curves perfectly. It was my favourite so far:

I planned to pair it with a few gold necklaces, rings and bracelets

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I planned to pair it with a few gold necklaces, rings and bracelets. I would also wear my regular black heels that went with basically everything.

Jean's face flushed pink as his jaw dropped slightly at seeing the outfit. I giggle at him being so mesmerised by me simply wearing a plain blue dress. "So? What do you think?" I smile. He quickly shakes his head getting out of his trance, "You look incredibly gorgeous." He grinned. "Thank you." I laughed, I then turned around to grab the tag to look at the price. "Okay, never mind, I think I'll just get something else.."
"What? Why? How much is it?" Jean quickly questioned. "Too much, alright?" I turned to go back into the changing room but was stopped by a hand lightly grabbing my wrist, I turn and meet eyes with Jean. "How much?"

I nod to the price tag, he grabs it takes a look and surprisingly his facial expression didn't change after seeing the price. "It's fine, I can get it for you."
"Oh, no-no. babe, it's fine..." I softly smile shaking my head. "Seriously, baby. it's fine. Take it as an early birthday present. I sigh in defeat, "Alright fine..." He plasters a wide grin on his face, "Awesome, now go take that off so I can pay for it." He says quickly pecking me a kiss on the lips, walking away towards to till to get ready to pay.

I walk back into the changing room and take off the dress neatly folding it and then putting back on my other clothes. I made my way out and Jean paid for it as he said, as much as I tried to stop him he was just too stubborn. Even for me, now that says something. I took the bag with my dress in it, of course, I repaid him with loads of kisses and a cuddle before we got back in the car. Which I think he appreciated but I knew I had to get him something too even if it was an 'early birthday present' as Jean put it. I mean, it's the least I could do.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊, Jean KWhere stories live. Discover now